54-24.1 Interstate Library Compact

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CHAPTER 54-24.1INTERSTATE LIBRARY COMPACT54-24.1-01.Interstate Library Compact.The Interstate Library Compact is herebyenacted into law and entered into by this state with all states legally joining therein in the form<br>substantially as follows:ARTICLE I - POLICY AND PURPOSEBecause the desire for the services provided by libraries transcends governmentalboundaries and can most effectively be satisfied by giving such services to communities and<br>people regardless of jurisdictional lines, it is the policy of the states party to this compact to<br>cooperate and share their responsibilities; to authorize cooperation and sharing with respect to<br>those types of library facilities and services which can be more economically or efficiently<br>developed and maintained on a cooperative basis; and to authorize cooperation and sharing<br>among localities, states, and others in providing joint or cooperative library services in areas<br>where the distribution of population or of existing and potential library resources make the<br>provision of library service on an interstate basis the most effective way of providing adequate<br>and efficient service.ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONSAs used in this compact:1.&quot;Library agreement&quot; means a contract establishing an interstate library district<br>pursuant to this compact or providing for the joint or cooperative furnishing of library<br>services.2.&quot;Private library agency&quot; means any nongovernmental entity which operates or<br>assumes a legal obligation to operate a library.3.&quot;Public library agency&quot; means any unit or agency of local or state government<br>operating or having power to operate a library.ARTICLE III - INTERSTATE LIBRARY DISTRICTS1.Any one or more public library agencies in a party state in cooperation with any<br>public library agency or agencies in one or more other party states may establish<br>and maintain an interstate library district. Subject to the provisions of this compact<br>and any other laws of the party states which pursuant hereto remain applicable,<br>such district may establish, maintain, and operate some or all of the library facilities<br>and services for the area concerned in accordance with the terms of a library<br>agreement therefor.Any private library agency or agencies within an interstatelibrary district may cooperate therewith, assume duties, responsibilities, and<br>obligations thereto, and receive benefits therefrom as provided in any library<br>agreement to which such agency or agencies become party.2.Within an interstate library district, and as provided by a library agreement, the<br>performance of library functions may be undertaken on a joint or cooperative basis<br>or may be undertaken by means of one or more arrangements between or among<br>public or private library agencies for the extension of library privileges to the use of<br>facilities or services operated or rendered by one or more of the individual library<br>agencies.3.If a library agreement provides for joint establishment, maintenance, or operation of<br>library facilities or services by an interstate library district, such district shall have<br>power to do any one or more of the following in accordance with such library<br>agreement:a.Undertake, administer, and participate in programs or arrangements for<br>securing, lending, or servicing of books and other publications, any otherPage No. 1materials suitable to be kept or made available by libraries, library equipment or<br>for the dissemination of information about libraries, the value and significance<br>of particular items therein, and the use thereof.b.Accept for any of its purposes under this compact any and all donations and<br>grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, conditional or<br>otherwise, from any state or the United States or any subdivision or agency<br>thereof, or interstate agency, or from any institution, person, firm, corporation,<br>or limited liability company, and receive, utilize, and dispose of the same.c.Operate mobile library units or equipment for the purpose of rendering<br>bookmobile service within the district.d.Employ professional, technical, clerical, and other personnel, and fix terms of<br>employment, compensation, and other appropriate benefits; and, where<br>desirable, provide for the inservice training of such personnel.e.Sue and be sued in any court of competent jurisdiction.f.Acquire, hold, and dispose of any real or personal property or any interest or<br>interests therein as may be appropriate to the rendering of library service.g.Construct, maintain, and operate a library, including any appropriate branches<br>thereof.h.Do such other things as may be incidental to or appropriate for the carrying out<br>of any of the foregoing powers.ARTICLE IV - INTERSTATE LIBRARY DISTRICTS GOVERNING BOARD1.An interstate library district which establishes, maintains, or operates any facilities or<br>services in its own right shall have a governing board of not more than five members<br>to be selected by the boards of the participating agencies which shall direct the<br>affairs of the district and act for it in all matters relating to its business.Eachparticipating public library agency in the district must be represented on the<br>governing board which must be organized and conduct its business in accordance<br>with provision therefor in the library agreement; but, in no event may a governing<br>board meet less often than twice a year.2.Any private library agency or agencies party to a library agreement establishing an<br>interstate library district may be represented on or advise with the governing board<br>of the district in such manner as the library agreement may provide.ARTICLE V - STATE LIBRARY AGENCY COOPERATIONAny two or more state library agencies of two or more of the party states may undertakeand conduct joint or cooperative library programs, render joint or cooperative library services, and<br>enter into and perform arrangements for the cooperative or joint acquisition, use, housing, and<br>disposition of items or collections of materials which, by reason of expense, rarity, specialized<br>nature, or infrequency of demand therefor would be appropriate for central collection and shared<br>use. Any such programs, services, or arrangements may include provision for the exercise on a<br>cooperative or joint basis of any power exercisable by an interstate library district and an<br>agreement embodying any such program, service, or arrangement must contain provisions<br>covering the subjects detailed in Article VI of the compact for interstate library agreements.ARTICLE VI - LIBRARY AGREEMENTS1.In order to provide for any joint or cooperative undertaking pursuant to this compact,<br>public and private library agencies may enter into library agreements.Anyagreement executed pursuant to the provisions of this compact must, as among the<br>parties to the agreement:Page No. 2a.Detail the specific nature of the services, programs, facilities, arrangements, or<br>properties to which it is applicable.b.Provide for the allocation of costs and other financial responsibilities.c.Specify the respective rights, duties, obligations, and liabilities of the parties.d.Set forth the terms and conditions for duration, renewal, termination,<br>abrogation, disposal of joint or common property, if any, and all other matters<br>which may be appropriate to the proper effectuation and performance of the<br>agreement.2.No public or private library agency may undertake to exercise itself, or, jointly with<br>any other library agency, by means of a library agreement, any power prohibited to<br>such agency by the constitution or statutes of its state.3.No library agreement becomes effective until filed with the compact administrator of<br>each state involved, and approved in accordance with Article VII of this compact.ARTICLE VII - APPROVAL OF LIBRARY AGREEMENTS1.Every library agreement made pursuant to this compact must, prior to and as a<br>condition precedent to its entry into force, be submitted to the attorney general of<br>each state in which a public library agency party thereto is situated, who shall<br>determine whether the agreement is in proper form and compatible with the laws of<br>that state. The attorneys general shall approve any agreement submitted to them<br>unless they shall find that it does not meet the conditions set forth herein and shall<br>detail in writing addressed to the governing bodies of the public library agencies<br>concerned the specific respects in which the proposed agreement fails to meet the<br>requirements of law.Failure to disapprove an agreement submitted hereunderwithin ninety days of its submission constitutes approval thereof.2.In the event that a library agreement made pursuant to this compact deals in whole<br>or in part with the provision of services or facilities with regard to which an officer or<br>agency of the state government has constitutional or statutory powers of control, the<br>agreement must, as a condition precedent to its entry into force, be submitted to the<br>state officer or agency having such power of control and must be approved or<br>disapproved by the officer or agency as to all matters within the officer's or agency's<br>jurisdiction in the same manner and subject to the same requirements governing the<br>action of the attorneys general pursuant to subsection 1.This requirement ofsubmission and approval is in addition to and not in substitution for the requirement<br>of submission to and approval by the attorneys general.ARTICLE VIII - OTHER LAWS APPLICABLENothing in this compact or in any library agreement may be construed to supersede, alter,or otherwise impair any obligation imposed on any library by otherwise applicable law, nor to<br>authorize the transfer or disposition of any property held in trust by a library agency in a manner<br>contrary to the terms of such trust.ARTICLE IX - APPROPRIATIONS AND AID1.Any public library agency party to a library agreement may appropriate funds to the<br>interstate library district established thereby in the same manner and to the same<br>extent as to a library wholly maintained by it and, subject to the laws of the state in<br>which such public library agency is situated, may pledge its credit in support of an<br>interstate library district established by the agreement.2.Subject to the provisions of the library agreement pursuant to which it functions and<br>the laws of the states in which such district is situated, an interstate library district<br>may claim and receive any state and federal aid which may be available to library<br>agencies.Page No. 3ARTICLE X - COMPACT ADMINISTRATOREach state shall designate a compact administrator with whom copies of all libraryagreements to which the administrator's state or any public library agency thereof is party must<br>be filed.The administrator shall have such other powers as may be conferred upon theadministrator by the laws of the administrator's state and may consult and cooperate with the<br>compact administrators of other party states and take such steps as may effectuate the purposes<br>of this compact. If the laws of a party state so provide, such state may designate one or more<br>deputy compact administrators in addition to its compact administrator.ARTICLE XI - ENTRY INTO FORCE AND WITHDRAWAL1.This compact enters into force and effect immediately upon its enactment into law by<br>any two states. Thereafter, it enters into force and effect as to any other state upon<br>the enactment thereof by such state.2.This compact continues in force with respect to a party state and remains binding<br>upon such state until six months after such state has given notice to each other party<br>state of the repeal thereof. Such withdrawal may not be construed to relieve any<br>party to a library agreement entered into pursuant to this compact from any<br>obligation of that agreement prior to the end of its duration as provided therein.ARTICLE XII - CONSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITYThis compact must be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. Theprovisions of this compact are severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this<br>compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or<br>the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the<br>validity of the remainder of this compact and applicability thereof to any government, agency,<br>person, or circumstance is not affected thereby.If this compact is held contrary to theconstitution of any state party thereto, the compact must remain in full force and effect as to the<br>remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.54-24.1-02. Must comply with state and local laws. No city, township, or county ofthis state may be party to a library agreement which provides for the construction or maintenance<br>of a library pursuant to subdivision g of subsection 3 of Article III of the compact, nor pledge its<br>credit in support of such a library, or contribute to the capital financing thereof, except after<br>compliance with any laws applicable to such cities, townships, or counties relating to or<br>governing capital outlays and the pledging of credit.54-24.1-03. Definition. As used in the compact, &quot;state library agency&quot;, with reference tothis state, means the state library.54-24.1-04. Entitled to state aid. An interstate library district lying partly within this statemay claim and be entitled to receive state aid in support of any of its functions to the same extent<br>and in the same manner as such functions are eligible for support when carried on by entities<br>wholly within this state. For the purposes of computing and apportioning state aid to an interstate<br>library district, this state will consider that portion of the area which lies within this state as an<br>independent entity for the performance of the aided function or functions and compute and<br>apportion the aid accordingly. Subject to any applicable laws of this state, such a district also<br>may apply for and be entitled to receive any federal aid for which it may be eligible.54-24.1-05.Interstate library compact director - Appointment - Deputy.Thegovernor shall appoint an officer of this state who must be the compact administrator pursuant to<br>Article X of the compact.The governor shall also appoint one or more deputy compactadministrators pursuant to said article.54-24.1-06. Duties of governor in case of withdrawal. In the event of withdrawal fromthe compact the governor shall send and receive any notices required by subsection 1 of Article<br>XI of the compact.Page No. 4Document Outlinechapter 54-24.1 interstate library compact