54-17.4 Geological Survey
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mineral resources.54-17.4-02. Survey - Responsibilities. There is created a North Dakota geologicalsurvey. The survey has the following responsibilities:1.Serve as the primary source of geological information in the state.2.Investigate, describe, and interpret the geological setting of the state with special
reference to the economic products, geological hazards, and energy resources of
the state's geology.3.Conduct investigations designed to promote public understanding of the state's
natural setting and natural resources.4.Conduct research relative to the exploration, production, and regulation of oil, gas,
coal, and other mineral resources of the state.5.Conduct investigations and review externally prepared reports pertaining to
geological aspects of the health and safety of the citizens and environment of the
state.6.Provide geological information contributing to the development of public health
policies and to the use and management of natural resources.7.Publish bulletins, circulars, maps, and other related materials that make available
the results of the geological research and technical studies.8.Provide educational information about the geology of the state to the public.9.Operate and maintain a public repository for books, reports, maps, and other
publications regarding the geology and mineral resources of the state.10.Operate and maintain a public repository for fossil and rock specimens, rock cores,
well cuttings, and associated data.11.Provide technical advice and assistance concerning the geology of the state to local,
state, and federal governmental agencies and to state educational institutions.12.Aid in the regulation of the state's natural resources by providing the resource
assessment and evaluation information necessary to create and maintain effective
regulatory policy.13.Investigate the kind, amount, and availability of the various mineral substances
contained in state-owned lands, so as to contribute to the most effective and
beneficial administration of these lands for the state.14.Consider such other scientific and economic questions in the field of geology as in
the judgment of the state geologist is deemed of value to the people of the state.Page No. 115.Carry out any other responsibilities assigned to it by the legislative assembly.16.Cooperate with other agencies in maintaining a global positioning system
community-base station and make data gathered by the station available to the
public.54-17.4-03. Survey - Direction and supervision. The survey is under the direction andcontrol of the commission.54-17.4-04. Survey - Location. The commission shall decide the location of the survey.However, the survey shall maintain a core and sample library at the university of North Dakota
with associated core receiving, processing, and analytical equipment. The survey, in cooperation
with the university of North Dakota, shall maintain a geologic literature library and archives at the
university of North Dakota. The survey may also maintain a working geologic literature library at
a site selected by the industrial commission.54-17.4-05. State geologist - Qualifications - Selection - Salary. There is created theposition of state geologist.1.The state geologist's qualifications must include a doctor of philosophy degree in
geology from an accredited university or college or equivalent geological experience,
demonstrated competency in administration, and five years of practical experience
in the field of geology.2.The director of mineral resources shall either appoint the state geologist or carry out
the duties of the state geologist along with the duties of director of mineral
resources.Prior to appointment of a state geologist the director of mineralresources may appoint an acting state geologist.3.The state geologist is under the direction and control of the director of mineral
resources.54-17.4-06. State geologist - Authority. The state geologist is the head of the surveyand shall exercise the powers of the office and be responsible for the execution of its duties.54-17.4-07. State geologist - Grants, funds, and contracts. The state geologist, withthe approval of the director of mineral resources, may accept and expend money from and enter
into contracts with federal, state, local, or other public entities to carry out the purposes of this
chapter or to provide geological services. If such funds exceed appropriations made by the
legislative assembly, the director of mineral resources shall seek emergency commission
approval for their expenditure.54-17.4-08.State geologist - Acquisition of geological and geophysical data -Confidentiality. The state geologist has the authority:1.To acquire geological and geophysical data including seismic, magnetic, and gravity
data by purchase or by acceptance of donated proprietary data.2.To provide for the confidentiality of geological and geophysical data when requested
by the seller or donor until the seller or donor notifies the state geologist that
confidentiality is no longer required. Confidential data may be used only by the state
geologist and staff members designated by the state geologist.54-17.4-09. State geologist - Specimens collected - Exhibited - Exchanged. Thestate geologist shall cause proper specimens, skillfully prepared, secured, and labeled, of rocks,
minerals, ores, coals, fossils, and other earth materials discovered or examined in the course of
the geological surveys to be preserved for public inspection free of cost. The state geologist,
when practicable, shall cause duplicate specimens in reasonable numbers and quantities to bePage No. 2collected and preserved for the purpose of exchange with or transfer to universities, colleges,
governmental bodies, and scientific institutions.54-17.4-09.1. Fossil excavation and restoration fund - Continuing appropriation. Aspecial fund known as the fossil excavation and restoration fund must be maintained in the state
treasury. Funds received by the geological survey for the excavation and restoration of fossils
must be deposited in the fund. All moneys in the fund are appropriated on a continuing basis to
the geological survey for the purpose of excavation and restoration of fossils. The provisions of
section 54-27-10 do not apply to appropriations from this fund.54-17.4-10. State geologist - Purchase and sale of maps - Appropriation. The stategeologist is authorized to purchase cartographic products from the federal government for the
purpose of reselling the products to the public at a fee set by the state geologist. All moneys
collected from the sale of the products must be deposited in the cartographic products fund. This
fund must be maintained as a special fund and all moneys transferred into the fund are hereby
appropriated and must be used and disbursed solely for the purpose of paying the state
geologist's cost of purchasing and reselling the products.54-17.4-11. State geologist - Colleges and universities - Cooperation. The board ofhigher education and the survey shall develop a cooperative agreement for the sharing of books,
equipment, and other physical resources.54-17.4-12. State geologist - Collection of global positioning system data - Fee. Allmoneys collected for the sale of global positioning system community-base station data must be
deposited in the global positioning system community-base station fund.This fund must bemaintained as a revolving fund and all moneys transferred into the fund are hereby appropriated
and must be used and disbursed solely for the purpose of paying the state geologist's cost of
collecting and distributing the data. This fund is not subject to section 54-44.1-11.54-17.4-13.Geologic data preservation fund - Continuing appropriation.Thegeologic data preservation fund may be used to defray the expenses of preserving geologic data
compiled by the commission and disseminating the data to county, state, and federal
departments and agencies and members of the general public.All moneys collected fordissemination of geologic data under this section must be deposited in the geologic data
preservation fund. This fund must be maintained as a special fund in the state treasury and all
moneys transferred into the fund are appropriated and must be used and disbursed solely for the
purpose of paying the current cost of providing information as determined by the commission
based on actual costs.Page No. 3Document Outlinechapter 54-17.4 geological survey