50-11.1 Early Childhood Services

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CHAPTER 50-11.1EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES50-11.1-01. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to assure that children receivingearly childhood services be provided food, shelter, safety, comfort, supervision, and learning<br>experiences commensurate to their age and capabilities, so as to safeguard the health, safety,<br>and development of those children.50-11.1-02. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matterotherwise requires:1.&quot;Authorized agent&quot; means the county social service board, unless another entity is<br>designated by the department.2.&quot;Child care center&quot; means an early childhood program licensed to provide early<br>childhood services to nineteen or more children.3.&quot;County agency&quot; means the county social service board in each of the counties of<br>the state.4.&quot;Department&quot; means the department of human services.5.&quot;Drop-in care&quot; means the care of children on a one-time, occasional, or unscheduled<br>basis to meet the short-term needs of families.6.&quot;Early childhood program&quot; means any program licensed under this chapter where<br>early childhood services are provided for at least two hours a day for three or more<br>days a week.7.&quot;Early childhood services&quot; means the care, supervision, education, or guidance of a<br>child or children, which is provided in exchange for money, goods, or other services.<br>Early childhood services does not include:a.Substitute parental child care provided pursuant to chapter 50-11.b.Child care provided in any educational facility, whether public or private, in<br>grade one or above.c.Child care provided in a kindergarten which has been established pursuant to<br>chapter 15.1-22 or a nonpublic elementary school program approved pursuant<br>to subsection 1 of section 15.1-06-06.d.Child care, preschool, and prekindergarten services provided to children under<br>six years of age in any educational facility through a program approved by the<br>superintendent of public instruction.e.Child care provided in facilities operated in connection with a church, business,<br>or organization where children are cared for during periods of time not<br>exceeding four continuous hours while the child's parent is attending church<br>services or is engaged in other activities, on the premises.f.Schools or classes for religious instruction conducted by religious orders during<br>the summer months for not more than two weeks, Sunday schools, weekly<br>catechism, or other classes for religious instruction.g.Summer resident or day camps for children which serve no children under six<br>years of age for more than two weeks.Page No. 1h.Sporting events, practices for sporting events, or sporting or physical activities<br>conducted under the supervision of an adult.i.Head start and early head start programs that are federally funded and meet<br>federal head start performance standards.j.Child care provided in a medical facility by medical personnel to children who<br>are ill.8.&quot;Family child care&quot; means a private residence licensed to provide early childhood<br>services for no more than seven children at any one time, except that the term<br>includes a residence licensed to provide early childhood services to two additional<br>school-age children during the two hours immediately before and after the schoolday<br>and all day, except Saturday and Sunday, when school is not in session during the<br>official school year.9.&quot;Group child care&quot; means a child care program licensed to provide early childhood<br>services for eighteen or fewer children.10.&quot;Household member&quot; means an adult living in the private residence out of which a<br>program is operated, regardless of whether the adult is living there permanently or<br>temporarily.11.&quot;In-home provider&quot; means any person who provides early childhood services to<br>children in the children's home.12.&quot;Licensed&quot; means an early childhood program has the rights, authority, or<br>permission granted by the department to operate and provide early childhood<br>services.13.&quot;Multiple licensed program&quot; means an early childhood program licensed to provide<br>more than one type of early childhood services.14.&quot;Owner&quot; or &quot;operator&quot; means the person who has legal responsibility for the early<br>childhood program and premises.15.&quot;Parent&quot; means an individual with the legal relationship of father or mother to a child<br>or an individual who legally stands in place of a father or mother, including a legal<br>guardian or custodian.16.&quot;Premises&quot; means the indoor and outdoor areas approved for providing early<br>childhood services.17.&quot;Preschool&quot; means a program licensed to offer early childhood services, which<br>follows a preschool curriculum and course of study designed primarily to enhance<br>the educational development of the children enrolled and which serves no child for<br>more than three hours per day.18.&quot;Public approval&quot; means a nonlicensed early childhood program operated by a<br>government entity that has self-certified that the program complies with this chapter.19.&quot;Registrant&quot; means the holder of an in-home provider registration document issued<br>by the department in accordance with this chapter.20.&quot;Registration&quot; means the process whereby the department maintains a record of all<br>in-home providers who have stated that they have complied or will comply with the<br>prescribed standards and adopted rules.Page No. 221.&quot;Registration document&quot; means a written instrument issued by the department to<br>publicly document that the registrant has complied with this chapter and the<br>applicable rules and standards as prescribed by the department.22.&quot;School-age child care&quot; means a child care program licensed to provide early<br>childhood services on a regular basis for nineteen or more children aged five years<br>through eleven years.23.&quot;Self-declaration&quot; means voluntary documentation of an individual providing early<br>childhood services in a private residence for up to three children below the age of<br>twenty-four months or for no more than five children through the age of eleven.24.&quot;Staff member&quot; means operator, caregiver, provider, or any other individual, whether<br>paid or volunteer, who provides care, supervision, or guidance to children in an early<br>childhood program and includes food preparation, transportation, and maintenance<br>personnel.50-11.1-02.1. Number of children in program - How determined. For the purpose ofdetermining the number of children receiving early childhood services, all children present on the<br>premises and under the age of twelve years must be counted. All children present are protected<br>by this chapter regardless of whether money is received or goods or other services are received<br>for their care.50-11.1-02.2. Smoking prohibited in certain facilities. Smoking is not permitted in anearly childhood facility at any time during which a child who receives early childhood services<br>from that facility is present and receiving services at that facility.50-11.1-03. (Effective through July 31, 2011) Operation of early childhood servicesprogram - License required - Fees.1.A license for family child care is required if early childhood services are provided for<br>four or more children ages twenty-four months and under, or six or seven children<br>through age eleven at any one time which includes no more than three children<br>under twenty-four months of age.2.A license for group child care is required if early childhood services are provided for<br>at least eight and no more than eighteen children at any one time.3.A license for a child care center is required if early childhood services are provided<br>for more than eighteen children at any one time.4.A person, partnership, firm, corporation, limited liability company, association, or<br>nongovernmental organization may not establish or operate a family child care,<br>group child care, preschool, school-age child care, or child care center unless<br>licensed to do so by the department.5.A governmental organization may not establish or operate a family child care, group<br>child care, preschool, school-age child care, or child care center without first<br>receiving public approval by certifying, to the department or the department's<br>authorized agent, that it has complied with all rules applicable to family child care,<br>group child care, preschool, or school-age child care, or to child care centers.6.An applicant for a license shall submit the following nonrefundable fees with the<br>application:a.The operator of a family child care applying for a license shall pay an annual<br>license fee of twenty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period, a<br>fee of thirty-five dollars.Page No. 3b.The operator of a group child care applying for a license shall pay an annual<br>license fee of twenty-five dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period,<br>a fee of forty-five dollars.c.The operator of a preschool applying for a license shall pay an annual license<br>fee of thirty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period, a fee of<br>fifty-five dollars.d.The operator of a child care center applying for a license shall pay an annual<br>license fee of forty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period, a fee<br>of seventy-five dollars.e.The operator of a multiple licensed program applying for a license shall pay an<br>annual license fee of fifty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period,<br>a fee of ninety-five dollars.7.In addition to any criminal sanctions or other civil penalties which may be imposed<br>pursuant to law, the operator of an early childhood program who, after being given<br>written notice by the department or the department's authorized agent, continues to<br>provide early childhood services without a license as required by this section is<br>subject to a civil penalty of two hundred dollars per day for each day of operation<br>without the required license. The civil penalty may be imposed by the courts or by<br>the department through an administrative hearing pursuant to chapter 28-32.8.All fees collected under subsection 6 must be paid to the department or the<br>department's authorized agent and must be used to defray the cost, to the<br>department or the department's authorized agent, of investigating, inspecting, and<br>evaluating the applications or to provide training to providers of early childhood<br>services.(Effective after July 31, 2011) Operation of early childhood services program -License required - Fees.1.A license for family child care is required if early childhood services are provided for<br>four or more children ages twenty-four months and under, or six or seven children<br>through age eleven at any one time which includes no more than three children<br>under twenty-four months of age.2.A license for group child care is required if early childhood services are provided for<br>at least eight and no more than eighteen children at any one time.3.A license for a child care center is required if early childhood services are provided<br>for more than eighteen children at any one time.4.A person, partnership, firm, corporation, limited liability company, association, or<br>nongovernmental organization may not establish or operate a family child care,<br>group child care, preschool, school-age child care, or child care center unless<br>licensed to do so by the department.5.A governmental organization may not establish or operate a family child care, group<br>child care, preschool, school-age child care, or child care center without first<br>receiving public approval by certifying, to the department or the department's<br>authorized agent, that it has complied with all rules applicable to family child care,<br>group child care, preschool, or school-age child care, or to child care centers.6.An applicant for a license shall submit the following nonrefundable fees with the<br>application:Page No. 4a.The operator of a family child care applying for a license shall pay an annual<br>license fee of twenty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period, a<br>fee of thirty-five dollars.b.The operator of a group child care applying for a license shall pay an annual<br>license fee of twenty-five dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period,<br>a fee of forty-five dollars.c.The operator of a preschool applying for a license shall pay an annual license<br>fee of thirty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period, a fee of<br>fifty-five dollars.d.The operator of a child care center applying for a license shall pay an annual<br>license fee of forty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period, a fee<br>of seventy-five dollars.e.The operator of a multiple licensed program applying for a license shall pay an<br>annual license fee of fifty dollars or if the license is issued for a two-year period,<br>a fee of ninety-five dollars.7.In addition to any criminal sanctions or other civil penalties which may be imposed<br>pursuant to law, the operator of an early childhood program who, after being given<br>written notice by the department or the department's authorized agent, continues to<br>provide early childhood services without a license as required by this section is<br>subject to a civil penalty of fifty dollars per day for each day of operation without the<br>required license.The civil penalty may be imposed by the courts or by thedepartment through an administrative hearing pursuant to chapter 28-32.8.All fees collected under subsection 6 must be paid to the department or the<br>department's authorized agent and must be used to defray the cost, to the<br>department or the department's authorized agent, of investigating, inspecting, and<br>evaluating the applications or to provide training to providers of early childhood<br>services.50-11.1-03.1.Family child care home operator - Cardiopulmonary resuscitationcertification. 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