43-34 Nursing Home Administrators
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administrators hereinafter created.2."Nursing home" means any institution or facility defined as such for licensing
purposes under North Dakota state law or pursuant to the rules and regulations for
nursing homes by the state department of health, whether proprietary or nonprofit,
including nursing homes owned or administered by the state government or an
agency or political subdivision thereof.3."Nursing home administrator" means a person who administers, manages,
supervises, or is in general administrative charge of a North Dakota nursing home
whether such individual has an ownership interest in such home and whether the
individual's functions and duties are shared with one or more individuals.43-34-02.Composition of the board.There is hereby created the state board ofexaminers for nursing home administrators which consists of nine members.1.Two members of the board must be the state health officer and the executive
director of the department of human services or the members' designees.2.One member of the board must be a physician appointed to the board for a
three-year term by the governor.3.One member of the board must be a hospital administrator appointed to the board
for a three-year term by the governor.4.Four members of the board must be licensed nursing home administrators
appointed to the board for three-year terms by the governor.5.One member of the board must be a nurse appointed to the board for a three-year
term by the governor.6.Any vacancies occurring in the appointments made by the governor must be filled by
the governor.7.Appointive members may be removed by the governor for cause after due notice
and hearing.43-34-03.Qualifications for licensure.The board may issue licenses to qualifiedindividuals entitling the individuals to serve and practice nursing home administration or
otherwise hold themselves out as duly licensed nursing home administrators, and shall establish
qualification criteria for such individuals by rule.An applicant for a license must meet theconditions and requirements as may be prescribed by the board by rule.43-34-03.1. Conviction not bar to licensure - Exceptions. Conviction of an offensedoes not disqualify a person from licensure under this chapter unless the board determines that
the offense has a direct bearing upon a person's ability to serve the public as a nursing home
administrator, or that, following conviction of any offense, the person is not sufficiently
rehabilitated under section 12.1-33-02.1.43-34-03.2. Criminal history record checks. The board shall require an applicant forlicensure under section 43-34-04, 43-34-11, or 43-34-12 to submit to a statewide and nationwide
criminal history record check. The board may require any licensee to submit to a statewide andPage No. 1nationwide criminal history check.The nationwide criminal history record check must beconducted in the manner provided in section 12-60-24. All costs associated with obtaining a
background check are the responsibility of the applicant or licensee.43-34-04. Licensing function. The board shall license nursing home administrators inaccordance with rules and regulations issued, and from time to time revised by it. A nursing
home administrator's license is not transferable and is valid until surrendered for cancellation or
suspended or revoked for violation of this chapter or any other laws or regulations relating to the
proper administration and management of a nursing home. Any denial of issuance or renewal,
suspension, or revocation under any section of this chapter is subject to review upon the timely
request of the licensee and pursuant to chapter 28-32.43-34-05. License fees. Each individual licensed as a nursing home administrator shallpay a license fee in an amount to be fixed by the board, which may not exceed two hundred fifty
dollars per annum.43-34-06. Fund created. Repealed by S.L. 1971, ch. 510,