37-07.2 National Guard Tuition Grants
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subject to the limitations of available appropriated funds and subject to national guard rules
adopted by the adjutant general, receive a grant in an amount not to exceed the cost of tuition
and fees for similar courses and credit hours for each qualifying member of the national guard
who is enrolled at the university of North Dakota. Any accredited postsecondary institution that
agrees to participate in such a program must waive twenty-five percent of the tuition for qualifying
national guardsmen. These grants must be distributed according to rules promulgated by the
adjutant general and are available only so long as the member maintains satisfactory
performance with the guard, meets the qualification requirements of the rules, and pursues a
course of study which satisfies the normal requirements of the school.37-07.2-02. Limitation. Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 389,