27-21 Division of Juvenile Services
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least three individuals, selected by the division director, who have not had a direct
involvement with the child. The child, or the child's representative, must be given
the opportunity to inform the reviewing team of the child's interest and concerns. A
summary record of these proceedings must be made.2."Temporary placement" means the placement of a child who may be a danger to
self or others in a facility or setting for a short period of time until the most
appropriate placement can be determined for the child. A temporary placement may
also be the prompt removal of a child from a placement into an alternative setting
until another more appropriate setting can be found.27-21-01. Creation of division of juvenile services - Director. A division of juvenileservices is hereby created and established with the powers and duties prescribed by this chapter.
The division of juvenile services must be created within the department of corrections and
rehabilitation, and its chief administrative officer must be appointed by the director of the
department of corrections and rehabilitation and must be known as the director of the division of
juvenile services. On July 27, 1989, each child committed to the custody of the state youth
authority will, by operation of law, be committed to the custody of the division of juvenile services
subject to the order committing the child.27-21-02. Division of juvenile services - Powers and duties. The division of juvenileservices is the administrative agency which shall take custody of delinquent and unruly children
committed to its care by the juvenile courts. Upon committing a child to the custody of the
division of juvenile services, the juvenile court, law enforcement officers, and other public officials
shall make available to the division of juvenile services all pertinent data in their possession with
respect to the child. Upon taking custody or if authorized by the court prior to receiving custody
of a child, the division of juvenile services shall process the child through such diagnostic testing
and evaluation programs as may be necessary to determine the treatment and rehabilitation
which is in the best interest of the child and in the best interest of the state. In doing so, the
division of juvenile services may utilize the psychological, addiction, psychiatric, career and
technical education, medical, and other diagnostic and testing services that are available,
examine all the pertinent circumstances, and review the reasons for the child's commitment.
Upon completion of the diagnostic testing and evaluation of a child committed to its custody, the
division shall make disposition under subsection 1, 2, or 3 and inform the court of its disposition.
Upon completion of the diagnostic testing and evaluation of a child not in its custody, the division
shall develop and recommend to the juvenile court an individualized treatment and rehabilitation
plan for the child. This plan must include recommendations for the disposition of the child as
follows:1.Placement in the care of the child's parent, relative, guardian, or in a foster home or
suitable private institution licensed by the state for the care or treatment and
rehabilitation of children;2.Placement in the care of the North Dakota youth correctional center or in a career
and technical education, training, or other treatment and rehabilitation institution for
children or young adults within this state; or3.Placement in the care of a career and technical education, training, or other
treatment and rehabilitation institution for children or young adults in another state in
the event that adequate facilities for the child's treatment and rehabilitation are not
available within this state and the committing juvenile court concurs in the
placement.Page No. 14.If the division of juvenile services receives any money on behalf of a child committed
to its custody and care under this section for child support, payments in excess of
foster care maintenance payments, or money received from the social security
administration, the division may establish an account for the child and use the
money in a manner it determines will serve the best interests of the child, including
setting aside any amounts for the child's future needs or making all or part of the
money available to the person responsible for meeting the child's daily needs to be
used for the child's benefit.27-21-02.1.Placement procedures.The division of juvenile services shall retaincustody of the child as granted by the authority of the committing court and the Uniform Juvenile
Court Act. The court in an order committing the child to the division may require court approval
before a placement may be made to a more restrictive setting. All other placements may be
made by the division at any time it appears to be in the child's best interest and in the best
interest of the state.1.A child, child's parent, or guardian who objects to a placement to a more restrictive
setting made by the division may request a placement hearing to review the
placement.2.In an emergency, or for reasons of safety and security, the division may temporarily
place a child in an appropriate facility.A child, child's parent, or guardian whoobjects to the temporary placement may request a placement hearing to review the
placement determined by the division.3.The division may conduct a permanency hearing, as authorized by section 27-20-36,
if an appropriate permanency plan may be carried out without exceeding the
division's authority.27-21-03. Temporary care. The division of juvenile services may, if other means areunavailable, place a child committed to its custody in the temporary care of the North Dakota
youth correctional center or a career and technical education, training, medical, psychiatric,
psychological, or other institution suitable for children within this state for not more than sixty
days, in order to provide for diagnostic testing and evaluation and other assessments pending
disposition under section 27-21-02.27-21-04. Creation of state youth authority advisory board - Members - Meetings -Powers and duties. Repealed by S.L. 1989, ch. 157,