27-06 District Court Reporters and Bailiffs
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longhand over the signature of the reporter giving the title of the action and stating the contents,
date, and place of taking, must be filed in every case at the conclusion of the trial, or as soon
thereafter as practicable, in the office of the clerk of the district court of the county in which the
action is pending.For a reasonable period of time, the reporter's shorthand notes may bewithdrawn from the clerk's office by the reporter for the purpose of transcription.27-06-05. Transcript prepared by court reporter. The court reporter of any districtcourt in which a criminal or civil action or proceeding has been tried shall prepare a transcript of
the original shorthand notes of the action or proceeding, or of any part thereof, whenever the
court reporter is requested to do so by any party thereto and upon payment of the fees as
provided by law.The transcript must be typewritten and must be delivered to the partyrequesting it.27-06-06. Transcript in criminal action prepared at expense of state - Filing and useof transcript. A judge of a district court in which a criminal action or proceeding has been tried,
on that judge's own motion or on application of the defendant or the state's attorney of the
county, may order a transcript of the original shorthand notes of the action or proceeding, or of
any part thereof, to be made by the reporter at state expense whenever there is reasonable
cause therefor. The transcript, when prepared, must consist of one copy to be filed in the office
of the clerk of court, one copy for each party separately represented, and, if the defendant is
sentenced to the legal and physical custody of, or placed under the supervision and management
of, the department of corrections and rehabilitation, one copy to the department.The courtreporter shall receive compensation for preparation of the transcript in accordance with the
provisions of section 27-06-08.27-06-07.Certification of transcript.Each transcript prepared by a district courtreporter must be certified by the reporter in the following form:CERTIFICATE OF COURT REPORTERSTATE OF NORTH DAKOTA)) ss.COUNTY OF ___________)I, _____________, a duly appointed official court reporter,CERTIFY that I recorded in shorthand the foregoing proceedings had and made of recordat the time and place indicated.I FURTHER CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached _________ typewritten pagescontain an accurate transcript of my shorthand notes then and there taken.Dated at _________, North Dakota, on _____________, ______._____________________________Official Court ReporterPage No. 1If the person preparing the transcript has ceased to hold office as court reporter, the certificate
must be made under oath.27-06-08. Fees for transcripts. For the preparation of a transcript, a court reporter isentitled to receive compensation at the rate of one dollar ninety cents per page for the original,
thirty-five cents per page for the first copy, and fifteen cents per page for each additional copy or
at rates which may be set by the supreme court by rule or special order specifically superseding
the rates herein provided. A page must consist of not less than twenty-five lines written on paper
at least eight and one-half inches by eleven inches [21.59 centimeters by 27.94 centimeters] in
size, prepared for binding on the left side, with margins of not more than one and three-fourths
inches [44.45 millimeters] on the left nor three-eighths inch [9.53 millimeters] on the right. Type
must be standard pica with ten letters to the inch [2.54 centimeters]. Questions and answers
must each begin a new line. Indentations for speakers or paragraphs may not be more than ten
spaces from the left margin. Pages must be numbered consecutively. Transcripts must be
indexed as to witnesses and exhibits. The reporter's compensation must be paid by the party
requesting the transcript or by the county or state as ordered by the court when the transcript is
ordered prepared by the judge at county or state expense.27-06-09. Bailiffs of district courts - Appointment - Salary. Repealed by S.L. 1989,ch. 383,