15.1-25 Postsecondary Enrollment

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CHAPTER 15.1-25POSTSECONDARY ENROLLMENT15.1-25-01. Postsecondary enrollment options program. Any North Dakota studentenrolled in grade ten, eleven, or twelve in a public high school is eligible to receive high school<br>and postsecondary credit for the successful completion of an academic course offered by any<br>postsecondary institution accredited by a regional accrediting organization or a career and<br>technical education course offered by a postsecondary institution in a program accredited by a<br>national or regional accrediting organization recognized by the United States department of<br>education.15.1-25-02. Permission to enroll - Notification - Credits. Before enrolling in a coursefor credit under this chapter, the student must obtain written permission from the student's school<br>district superintendent. The student's school district superintendent shall determine the number<br>of credits for which the student is eligible and shall include the number of credits on the<br>document granting permission required by this section. For purposes of determining credit, a<br>three-semester-hour course offered by a postsecondary institution is equivalent to a full semester<br>high school course. Upon the student's successful completion of the course, the postsecondary<br>institution shall notify the student's school district superintendent of that fact.15.1-25-03. Costs of attendance - Responsibility of student. The student and thestudent's parent or legal guardian are responsible for all costs of attendance at a postsecondary<br>institution under this chapter.For purposes of this section, &quot;costs&quot; includes tuition, fees,textbooks, materials, equipment, and other necessary charges related to the course in which the<br>student has enrolled.15.1-25-04. Transportation - Responsibility of student. The student and the student'sparent or legal guardian are responsible for transportation arrangements and all costs of<br>transportation associated with a student's attendance at a postsecondary institution under this<br>chapter.15.1-25-05. Per student payments - Extracurricular activities. A student attending apostsecondary institution under this chapter is deemed to be in attendance at the student's<br>school district of residence for purposes of calculating per student payments and for purposes<br>relating to the student's eligibility to participate in high school extracurricular activities.15.1-25-06. Courses - Statutory and regulatory exemption. The courses for whichdual high school and postsecondary credit are available under this chapter are postsecondary<br>courses and are exempt from any statutory or regulatory provisions otherwise applicable to high<br>school courses and to the individuals by whom high school courses are taught.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 15.1-25 postsecondary enrollment