15.1-21 Curriculum and Testing

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CHAPTER 15.1-21CURRICULUM AND TESTING15.1-21-01. Elementary and middle schools - Required instruction. In order to beapproved by the superintendent of public instruction, each public and nonpublic elementary and<br>middle school shall provide to students instruction in:1.English language arts, including reading, composition, creative writing, English<br>grammar, and spelling.2.Mathematics.3.Social studies, including:a.The United States Constitution;b.United States history;c.Geography;d.Government; ande.North Dakota studies, with an emphasis on the geography, history, and<br>agriculture of this state, in the fourth and eighth grades.4.Science, including agriculture.5.Physical education.6.Health, including physiology, hygiene, disease control, and the nature and effects of<br>alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics.15.1-21-02. High schools - Required units.1.In order to be approved by the superintendent of public instruction, each public and<br>nonpublic high school shall make available to each student:a.Four units of English language arts from a sequence that includes literature,<br>composition, and speech;b.Four units of mathematics, including:(1)One unit of algebra II; and(2)One unit for which algebra II is a prerequisite;c.Four units of science, including:(1)One unit of physical science; and(2)One unit of biology;d.Four units of social studies, including:(1)One unit of world history;(2)One unit of United States history; andPage No. 1(3)(a)One unit of problems of democracy; or(b)One-half unit of United States government and one-half unit of<br>economics;e.One-half unit of health;f.One-half unit of physical education during each school year, provided that once<br>every four years the unit must be a concept-based fitness class that includes<br>instruction in the assessment, improvement, and maintenance of personal<br>fitness;g.Two units of fine arts, at least one of which must be music;h.Two units of the same foreign or native American language;i.One unit of an advanced placement course or one unit of a dual-credit course;<br>andj.Two units of career and technical education from a coordinated plan of study<br>recommended by the department of career and technical education and<br>approved by the superintendent of public instruction.2.In addition to the requirements of subsection 1, each public and nonpublic high<br>school shall make available to each student, at least once every two years, one-half<br>unit of North Dakota studies, with an emphasis on the geography, history, and<br>agriculture of this state.3.Each unit which must be made available under this section must meet or exceed the<br>state content standards.4.For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires, &quot;make available&quot;<br>means that:a.Each public high school and nonpublic high school shall allow students to select<br>units over the course of a high school career from a list that includes at least<br>those required by this section;b.If a student selects a unit from the list required by this section, the public high<br>school or the nonpublic high school shall provide the unit to the student; andc.The unit may be provided to the student through any delivery method not<br>contrary to state law and may include classroom or individual instruction and<br>distance learning options, including interactive video, computer instruction,<br>correspondence courses, and postsecondary enrollment under chapter<br>15.1-25.5.The board of a school district may not impose any fees or charges upon a student<br>for the provision of or participation in units as provided in this section, other than the<br>fees permitted by section 15.1-09-36.6.If in order to meet the minimum requirements of this section a school district<br>includes academic courses offered by a postsecondary institution under chapter<br>15.1-25, the school district shall:a.Pay all costs of the student's attendance, except those fees that are permissible<br>under section 15.1-09-36; andPage No. 2b.Transport the student to and from the location at which the course is offered or<br>provide mileage reimbursement to the student if transportation is provided by<br>the student or the student's family.7.The requirements of this section do not apply to alternative high schools or<br>alternative high school education programs.8.The requirements of subdivisions g and h of subsection 1 do not apply to the North<br>Dakota youth correctional center.15.1-21-02.1. High school graduation - Diploma requirements. Except as provided insection 15.1-21-02.3, before a school district, a nonpublic high school, or the center for distance<br>education issues a high school diploma to a student, the student must have successfully<br>completed the following twenty-two units of high school coursework:1.Four units of English language arts from a sequence that includes literature,<br>composition, and speech;2.Three units of mathematics;3.Three units of science, including:a.One unit of physical science;b.One unit of biology; andc.(1)One unit of any other science; or(2)Two one-half units of any other science;4.Three units of social studies, including:a.One unit of United States history;b.(1)One-half unit of United States government and one-half unit of<br>economics; or(2)One unit of problems of democracy; andc.One unit or two one-half units of any other social studies, which may include<br>civics, civilization, geography and history, multicultural studies, North Dakota<br>studies, psychology, sociology, and world history;5.a.One unit of physical education; orb.One-half unit of physical education and one-half unit of health;6.Three units of:a.Foreign languages;b.Native American languages;c.Fine arts; ord.Career and technical education courses; and7.Any five additional units.Page No. 315.1-21-02.2.High school coursework requirements.Repealed by S.L. 2009,ch. 175, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>