15.1-17 Teacher Personnel Files
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students may review documents generated and placed in the teacher's personnel file after the
teacher was employed for the position. Upon receiving a written request, the school principal,
administrator, or school district superintendent shall provide to a teacher a copy of any document
in the teacher's personnel file. The teacher shall pay any copying costs.15.1-17-02. Personnel file - Teacher's response. A teacher employed by a schooldistrict may provide the school district superintendent with a written response to any document in
the teacher's personnel file. A teacher employed by a state institution that provides elementary
and secondary education to its students may provide the institution's administrator with a written
response to any document in the teacher's personnel file. A school district superintendent or an
administrator receiving a written response under this section shall attach the response to the
appropriate document and return both to the teacher's personnel file.15.1-17-03. Personnel file - Objection to documents. If a teacher believes that anydocument in the teacher's personnel file, other than a formal performance evaluation, is
inappropriate or inaccurate, the teacher may request that the file be reviewed by the principal of
the school or by the administrator if the school is a state institution that provides elementary and
secondary education to its students. If a teacher employed by a school district is dissatisfied with
the outcome of the initial review, the teacher is entitled to have the file reviewed, upon written
request, by the school district superintendent.If a teacher employed by a school district isdissatisfied with the outcome of the superintendent's review, the teacher is entitled to have the
file reviewed, upon written request, by the school board.15.1-17-04. Complaint against teacher - Notification. If a complaint is filed against ateacher or against an individual for whom the teacher is administratively responsible, and the
complaint is to be placed in the teacher's personnel file, the school principal, administrator, or
school district superintendent shall inform the teacher of the complaint.15.1-17-05. No secret files maintained - Penalty. It is a class B misdemeanor for anyindividual employed by a school district or a state-supported institution that provides elementary
and secondary education to its students to maintain documents about a teacher unless the
teacher has access to the documents, as provided in this chapter.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 15.1-17 teacher personnel files