15-20.1 Career and Technical Education
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consists of the director and other persons appointed or designated by the state
board or the director to carry out the duties of the state board.3."Director" means the director of career and technical education.4."Regulations" means regulations made by the director with the approval of the state
board.5."State board" means the state board for career and technical education.15-20.1-02. State board for career and technical education - Director of career andtechnical education - Appointment, qualifications, assistants, duties. The state board for
career and technical education consists of the members of the state board of public school
education, the executive director of job service North Dakota, and the commissioner of higher
education or the commissioner's designee. The state board shall oversee the department and
appoint a director and executive officer of career and technical education who are charged with
the administration, under the direction and supervision of the board, of the provisions of this
chapter relating to career and technical education.The state board shall designate suchassistants to the director as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The
duties, terms of office, and compensation of the director and of the director's assistants must be
determined by the state board. The director shall hold as a minimum a baccalaureate degree
received from a recognized college or university.The director shall enforce such rules andregulations as the state board may adopt and shall prepare such reports concerning career and
technical education as the state board may require.15-20.1-03.Powers and duties of state board relating to career and technicaleducation. The state board shall have all authority necessary to cooperate with the United
States department of education or other department or agency of the United States of America in
the administration of acts of Congress relating to career and technical education, including the
following powers and duties:1.To administer any legislation enacted by the legislative assembly of this state
pursuant to or in conformity with acts of Congress relating to career and technical
education.2.To administer the funds provided by the federal government and by this state for the
promotion of career and technical education and to contract with:a.Any public or private institution or agency, board of trustees of any agricultural
and training school, or school district of this state; orb.Any public or private institution or agency, or political subdivision, of another
state.3.To formulate plans for the promotion of career and technical education in such
subjects as are an essential and integral part of the public school system of
education in this state.4.To provide for the preparation of teachers.Page No. 15.To fix the compensation of such officers and assistants as may be necessary to
administer the federal acts and the provisions of this chapter relating to career and
technical education and to pay the same and other necessary expenses of
administration from any funds appropriated for such purpose.6.To make studies and investigations relating to career and technical education.7.To promote and aid in the establishment of schools, departments, or classes, and to
cooperate with local communities in the maintenance of career and technical
education schools, departments, or classes.8.To prescribe the qualifications and provide for the certification of teachers, directors,
and supervisors.9.To cooperate with governing bodies of school districts and with organizations and
communities in the maintenance of classes for the preparation of teachers, directors,
and supervisors of career and technical education, to maintain classes for such
purposes under its own direction and control, and to establish and control, by
general regulations, the qualifications to be possessed by persons engaged in the
training of career and technical education teachers.10.To coordinate new and existing farm management programs offered by any state
agency or entity.11.To create and expand marketing clubs as adjuncts to new and existing farm
management programs.15-20.1-03.1.Postsecondary career and technical education reciprocity withMinnesota. The state board may enter into agreements with the Minnesota higher education
coordinating board or with the governing board of any public postsecondary career and technical
institute in that state to enable, on a reciprocal basis, any resident of North Dakota to attend an
approved career and technical education program in Minnesota and to permit any resident of
Minnesota to attend an approved career and technical education program in North Dakota
without being required to pay nonresident tuition fees.For the purposes of this section,"approved career and technical education program" means any postsecondary career and
technical program offered by a Minnesota area career and technical institute or a
district-operated junior college in North Dakota. Any agreement made pursuant to this section
may provide for the transfer of funds between the states and any payment to Minnesota by North
Dakota must be within the limitations of the payment due North Dakota from Minnesota under the
authority contained in chapter 15-10.1. Any payment to North Dakota by Minnesota must be
deposited in the state's general fund.15-20.1-04.Acceptance of benefits of federal acts in career and technicaleducation - Cooperation with federal government. The state of North Dakota hereby accepts
all of the provisions and benefits of the acts of Congress to assist states to maintain, extend, and
improve existing programs and develop new programs in career and technical education.15-20.1-05. Custody and payment of career and technical education funds. Thestate board is charged with the duty of administering all funds that are received from federal and
state sources and shall accept and use gifts made unconditionally by will or otherwise for
purposes of carrying out this chapter for career and technical education.All such moneysreceived must be placed in the custody of the state treasurer and must be paid in accordance
with legislative appropriations by the office of management and budget as directed by the director
of career and technical education.15-20.1-06. Reimbursement of schools teaching subjects in career and technicaleducation. The state board may reimburse approved public or private institutions or agencies,
or political subdivisions of this state or of another state, giving instruction in career and technicalPage No. 2education from funds allocated for that purpose. The state board may prorate the sums available
if funds are insufficient to reimburse at the rate established by the state board.15-20.1-07. Cooperation of school boards in career and technical education. Thegoverning body of any school district may cooperate with the state board in the establishment
and maintenance of schools, departments, or classes giving instruction in career and technical
education as approved by the state board and may use any moneys raised by public taxation for
such purposes in the same manner as the moneys for other school purposes are used for the
maintenance and support of public schools.When any school, department, or class givinginstruction in career and technical education has been approved by the state board, it may be
entitled to share in any federal and state funds available for career and technical education.15-20.1-08. Mill levy for vocational education programs. Repealed by S.L. 1983,ch. 608,