11-35 Regional Planning and Zoning Commissions

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CHAPTER 11-35REGIONAL PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONS11-35-01. Regional commissions - Appointment - Powers. The governing boards ofcounties, cities, and organized townships may cooperate to form, organize, and administer a<br>regional planning and zoning commission for the region defined as may be agreed upon by the<br>governing bodies of such political subdivisions.The regional commission membership shallconsist of five members, namely, one from the board of county commissioners, two from the<br>rural region affected, and two from the city, the members from each to be appointed by the<br>respective governing boards. The proportion of cost of regional planning, zoning, studies, and<br>surveys to be borne respectively by each of the said political subdivisions in the region must be<br>such as may be agreed upon by their governing boards.The regional commissions, whenrequested by the governing board of a political subdivision in its region, may exercise any of the<br>powers which are specified and granted to counties, cities, or organized townships in matters of<br>planning and zoning.Upon organization of such commission, publication and hearingprocedures must be conducted pursuant to sections 11-33-08 and 11-33-09. Appeal from a<br>decision of the commission may be taken to the district court in accordance with the procedure<br>provided in section 28-34-01.11-35-02.Zoning of territory adjacent to cities.Until the organization of either aregional planning and zoning commission as provided in section 11-35-01 or township or county<br>zoning commission pursuant to sections 58-03-11 through 58-03-15 and chapter 11-33,<br>respectively, any city which shall determine to use zoning regulations shall have exclusive<br>jurisdiction and power to zone over all land over which it has authority to control subdivisions and<br>platting of land as provided in section 40-48-18.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 11-35 regional planning and zoning commissions