11-24 Maps and Plats
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mutilation and impairment the plats and plans on file in the office of the recorder, it may cause
copies of the originals on file to be made by a competent engineer on sheets of tracing cloth.
The board may require a bond of the engineer covering a period of five years.11-24-02. Requirements for copies of plats and plans. The sheets of tracing cloth onwhich copies of the original plats and plans are made shall be not less than thirty by twenty
inches [762.00 by 508.00 millimeters] nor more than thirty-one by twenty-one inches [787.40 by
533.40 millimeters] and shall be lettered in a workmanlike manner with suitable titles transcribed
on them, numbered, lettered, and made up in one or more books which are bound in suitable
covers so that they may be readily removed for the purpose of making prints. These copies shall
serve as negatives for prints and shall be certified by the engineer in charge of the work to be
correct copies of the original.11-24-03.Written and printed matter on plat to be typewritten and bound.Alldescriptions, dedications, and written and printed matter that may be found on the original plats
and plans shall be typewritten, properly paged, indexed, and bound in books to correspond with
the copies of the plats and plans which serve as negatives.They shall be certified by theengineer who has charge of the work to be correct copies.11-24-04.Copies of plats and typewritten copies of descriptions not used bypublic.The negatives for the prints and the typewritten copies of the descriptions anddedications shall be filed and not used by the public except by persons authorized by the board
of county commissioners to make additional copies.11-24-05. Copies of plats and descriptions made for general use. The engineer whoshall make copies of the original plats and plans on file in any county shall furnish for general use
one set of the prints, from the negatives, either on paper or cloth. Such prints shall be placed in
substantial covers and bound in one or more books. Each book shall be furnished with an index,
and one set of descriptions and dedications shall be bound into each such book and indexed to
correspond with the prints. The board of county commissioners may replace from time to time
any of the prints and typewritten sheets which have become mutilated or worn out and may
cause to be made prints and typewritten descriptions of all new plats and plans that are filed with
the recorder.11-24-06. Board may replace copies of plats and descriptions - Copies of new platsmade. The board of county commissioners may replace from time to time any of the prints and
typewritten sheets which have become mutilated or worn out and may cause to be made prints
and typewritten descriptions of all new plats and plans that are filed with the recorder.11-24-07. Rate of pay for making copies of plats. The board of county commissionersshall not pay more than twenty dollars per sheet for copies of original plats and plans. This sum
shall include the work necessary for making the negatives, one set of prints, the necessary
covers, and two typewritten copies of descriptions and dedications.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 11-24 maps and plats