4-37 Agriculture in the Classroom
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values of rural lifestyles, an agriculture in the classroom program is hereby established to be
administered by an agriculture in the classroom council in conjunction with the agriculture
commissioner.4-37-02. Agriculture in the classroom council. An agriculture in the classroom councilis established.The council consists of sixteen members to be appointed by the agriculturecommissioner.One member must be the agriculture commissioner or the commissioner'sdesignee, and one member must be the superintendent of public instruction or the
superintendent's designee. Agriculture in the classroom grant recipients are nonvoting members
of the council.4-37-03. Purpose - Powers and duties. The agriculture in the classroom council mayprovide grants and contract with any person for the provision of an agriculture in the classroom
program, the development of agricultural curriculum activities applicable to students from
kindergarten through grade twelve, and the training of teachers in agricultural curriculum
activities.The council shall work with teachers, the superintendent of public instruction, thedepartment of career and technical education, the United States department of agriculture, and
the state agriculture commissioner in accomplishing this purpose. The council may:1.Consult with the state superintendent of public instruction, the department of career
and technical education, the state agriculture commissioner, and the United States
department of agriculture.2.Prepare instructional, informational, and reference publications on the North Dakota
agricultural economy and rural lifestyles.3.Provide training programs for public school teachers in agricultural curriculum
activities.4.Encourage research on and identification of new instructional, informational, and
reference publications relating to this state's agricultural economy and rural
lifestyles.5.Monitor the quality and condition of the agriculture in the classroom program.4-37-04. Gifts and grants. The agriculture in the classroom council may accept andexpend private contributions, gifts, and grants-in-aid from the federal government, private
industry, and other sources. The council shall expend any moneys received under this section
for the designated purpose if a purpose is included as a condition of the gift, grant, or donation.
The council may use all other moneys received under this section to carry out the purposes of
this chapter.4-37-05. Expenses of council members. Members of the agriculture in the classroomcouncil may not receive any compensation for their services on the council, but are entitled to be
reimbursed for their expenses incurred in performing their duties in the amounts provided by law
for state employees.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 4-37 agriculture in the classroom