4-35.2 Pesticide and Pesticide Container Disposal
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of the North Dakota state university extension service, two individuals representing
agribusiness organizations, and two individuals representing farm organizations, all
of whom must be selected by the agriculture commissioner, the commissioner shall
continue to implement the project authorized by section 1 of chapter 77 of the 2001
Session Laws, which is known as project safe send. The purpose of the project is
to:a.Collect and either recycle or dispose of unusable pesticides and unusable
pesticide containers.The commissioner shall provide for the establishmentand operation of temporary collection sites for the pesticides and pesticide
containers. The commissioner may limit the type and quantity of pesticides and
pesticide containers acceptable for collection.b.Promote proper pesticide container management.In consultation with thedirector of the North Dakota stateuniversityextensionservice,thecommissioner shall evaluate and promote proper methods of pesticide
container management, including information on the variety of pesticide
containers available.3.Any entity collecting pesticide containers or unusable pesticides shall manage and
dispose of the containers and pesticides in compliance with applicable federal and
state requirements.When called upon, any state agency shall assist thecommissioner in implementing the project.4.For services rendered in connection with the design and implementation of this
project, the members selected by the commissioner are entitled to reimbursement
for mileage and travel expenses in the same manner and for the same amounts
provided for state employees and officials.Compensation and expensereimbursement must be paid from the environment and rangeland protection fund.4-35.2-02. Project scope and evaluation. The project described in section 4-35.2-01must occur in areas to be determined by the agriculture commissioner in consultation with the
advisory board under subsection 2 of section 4-35.2-01.4-35.2-03. Project safe send pesticide and pesticide container collection - Userfees. The agriculture commissioner, in consultation with the advisory board for the project safe
send pesticide and pesticide container disposal program, may charge a fee for collection of
rinsate. The fees must be established at a level that will generate enough revenue to cover the
cost of disposal associated with the rinsate that is collected. Collections from this fee must be
deposited in the environment and rangeland protection fund.4-35.2-04.Report on pesticide container disposal program.The agriculturecommissioner shall submit a biennial report to a joint meeting of the house of representatives
and senate agriculture committees on the status of the pesticide container disposal program.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 4-35.2 pesticide and pesticide container disposal