§ 97-44. Lump sums.
§97‑44. Lump sums.
Whenever any weekly paymenthas been continued for not less than six weeks, the liability therefor may, inunusual cases, where the Industrial Commission deems it to be to the bestinterest of the employee or his dependents, or where it will prevent unduehardships on the employer or his insurance carrier, without prejudicing theinterests of the employee or his dependents, be redeemed, in whole or in part,by the payment by the employer of a lump sum which shall be fixed by the Commission,but in no case to exceed the uncommuted value of the future installments whichmay be due under this Article. The Commission, however, in its discretion, mayat any time in the case of a minor who has received permanently disablinginjuries either partial or total provide that he be compensated, in whole or inpart, by the payment of a lump sum, the amount of which shall be fixed by theCommission, but in no case to exceed the uncommuted value of the futureinstallments which may be due under this Article. (1929, c. 120, s. 44; 1963,c. 450, s. 4; 1975, c. 255.)