§ 97-22. Notice of accident to employer.
§97‑22. Notice of accident to employer.
Every injured employee or hisrepresentative shall immediately on the occurrence of an accident, or as soonthereafter as practicable, give or cause to be given to the employer a writtennotice of the accident, and the employee shall not be entitled to physician'sfees nor to any compensation which may have accrued under the terms of thisArticle prior to the giving of such notice, unless it can be shown that theemployer, his agent or representative, had knowledge of the accident, or thatthe party required to give such notice had been prevented from doing so byreason of physical or mental incapacity, or the fraud or deceit of some thirdperson; but no compensation shall be payable unless such written notice is givenwithin 30 days after the occurrence of the accident or death, unless reasonableexcuse is made to the satisfaction of the Industrial Commission for not givingsuch notice and the Commission is satisfied that the employer has not beenprejudiced thereby. (1929, c. 120, s. 22.)