§ 96-33. State agencies required to provide information and data.
§96‑33. State agencies required to provide information and data.
(a) Every State agencyand local government agency or entity that receives State or federal funds forthe direct or indirect support of State job training, education, and placementprograms shall provide to the Employment Security Commission of North Carolinaall data and information available to or within the agency or entity'spossession requested by the ESC for input into the common follow‑upinformation management system authorized under this Article.
(b) Each agency orentity required to report information and data to the ESC under this Articleshall maintain true and accurate records of the information and data requestedby the ESC. The records shall be open to ESC inspection and copying atreasonable times and as often as necessary. Each agency or entity shall furtherprovide, upon request by ESC, sworn or unsworn reports with respect to personsemployed or trained by the agency or entity, as deemed necessary by the ESC tocarry out the purposes of this Article. Information obtained by the ESC fromthe agency or entity shall be held by ESC as confidential and shall not bepublished or open to public inspection other than in a manner that protects theidentity of individual persons and employers. (1995, c. 507, s. 25.6(a).)