§ 96-20. Duties of Division; conformance to Wagner-Peyser Act; organization; director; employees.
Employment ServiceDivision.
§ 96‑20. Duties ofDivision; conformance to Wagner‑Peyser Act; organization; director;employees.
The Employment ServiceDivision of the Employment Security Commission shall establish and maintainfree public employment offices in such number and in such places as may benecessary for the proper administration of this Chapter, and for the purpose ofperforming such duties as are within the purview of the act of Congressentitled "An act to provide for the establishment of a national employmentsystem and for cooperation with the states in the promotion of such system andfor other purposes," approved June 6, 1933, (48 Stat., 113; U.S.C., Title29, section 49(c), as amended). The said Division shall be administered by afull‑time salaried director. The Employment Security Commission shall becharged with the duty to cooperate with any official or agency of the UnitedStates having powers or duties under the provisions of the said act ofCongress, as amended, and to do and perform all things necessary to secure tothis State the benefits of the said act of Congress, as amended, in thepromotion and maintenance of a system of public employment offices. Theprovisions of the said act of Congress, as amended, are hereby accepted by thisState, in conformity with section 4 of said act, and this State will observeand comply with the requirements thereof. The Employment Security Commission ishereby designated and constituted the agency of this State for the purpose ofsaid act. The Commission is directed to appoint the director, other officers,and employees of the Employment Service Division. (Ex. Sess. 1936, c. 1, s. 12;1941, c. 108, s. 11; 1947, c. 326, s. 24.)