§ 94-12. Fees.
§ 94‑12. Fees.
The following fees are imposedon each apprentice who is covered by a written apprenticeship agreement enteredinto under this Chapter: (i) a new registration fee of fifty dollars ($50.00);and (ii) an annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). Each fee authorized by thissection is payable as thirty dollars ($30.00) by the sponsor and twenty dollars($20.00) by the apprentice. The sponsor shall collect the fees authorized bythis section from the apprentice and remit the total fees owed by the sponsorand the apprentice to the Department of Labor. The fees are departmentalreceipts and must be applied to the costs of administering the apprenticeshipprogram. The Commissioner may adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes to implement this section. The provisions of this sectionshall not apply to the State, a department or agency of the State, or anypolitical subdivision of the State or an apprentice of the State, a departmentor agency of the State, or any political subdivision of the State. (2009‑451, s. 12.1.)