§ 93E-1-9. Nonresident registration, licensure, and certification.
§ 93E‑1‑9. Nonresident registration, licensure, and certification.
(a) An applicant fromanother state which offers real estate trainee registration or the equivalent,appraiser licensing or certification privileges to residents of North Carolinamay become registered, licensed, or certified in North Carolina by conformingto all of the provisions of this Chapter and, in the discretion of the Board,such other terms and conditions as are required of North Carolina residentsapplying for trainee registration, licensure, and certification in such otherstate.
(b) The Board, in itsdiscretion, may undertake to register, license, or certify on a reciprocalbasis, persons registered, licensed, or certified in other states who aredeemed by the Board to possess qualifications equivalent to resident NorthCarolina trainees or State‑licensed or State‑certified real estateappraisers.
(c) The Board may byrule establish a procedure for granting temporary trainee registration,appraiser licensure or certification and may charge an application fee of onehundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for temporary trainee registration, appraiserlicensure, or certification.
(d) Every applicant fortrainee registration, State licensure, or certification under this Chapter whois not a resident of this State shall submit with his application anirrevocable consent that service of process in any action against the applicantarising out of the applicant's activities as a registered trainee or State‑licensedor State‑certified real estate appraiser may be made by delivery of theprocess on the Executive Director of the Board. (1993, c. 419, s. 6; 2001‑399,s. 1.)