§ 93E-1-13. Penalty for violation of this Chapter.
§ 93E‑1‑13. Penalty for violation of this Chapter.
(a) Any person who actsas, or holds himself or herself out to be, a registered trainee or a State‑licensedor State‑certified real estate appraiser without first obtaining aregistration, license, or certificate as provided in this Chapter, or whowillfully performs the acts specified in G.S. 93E‑1‑12(a) shall beguilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(b) The Board mayappear in its own name in superior court in actions for injunctive relief toprevent any person from violating the provisions of this Chapter or the rulespromulgated by the Board. The superior court shall have the power to grantthese injunctions whether or not criminal prosecution has been or may beinstituted as a result of the violations, and whether or not the person is theholder of a registration, license, or certificate issued by the Board underthis Chapter. (1993,c. 419, s. 6; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 14, s. 49; 1995, c. 482, s. 10; 2001‑399,s. 1.)