§ 93B-5. Compensation, employment, and training of board members.
§ 93B‑5. Compensation,employment, and training of board members.
(a) Board members shallreceive as compensation for their services per diem not to exceed one hundreddollars ($100.00) for each day during which they are engaged in the officialbusiness of the board.
(b) Board members shallbe reimbursed for all necessary travel expenses in an amount not to exceed thatauthorized under G.S. 138‑6(a) for officers and employees of Statedepartments. Actual expenditures of board members in excess of the maximumamounts set forth in G.S. 138‑6(a) for travel and subsistence may bereimbursed if the prior approval of the State Director of Budget is obtainedand such approved expenditures are within the established and published uniformstandards and criteria of the State Director of Budget authorized under G.S.138‑7 for extraordinary charges for hotels, meals, and conventionregistration for State officers and employees, whenever such charges are theresult of required official business of the Board.
(c) Repealed by SessionLaws 1981, c. 757, s. 2.
(d) Except as providedherein board members shall not be paid a salary or receive any additionalcompensation for services rendered as members of the board.
(e) Board members shallnot be permanent, salaried employees of said board.
(f) Repealed bySession Laws 1975, c. 765, s. 1.
(g) Within six monthsof a board member's initial appointment to the board, and at least once withinevery two calendar years thereafter, a board member shall receive training,either from the board's staff, including its legal advisor, or from an outsideeducational institution such as the School of Government of the University ofNorth Carolina, on the statutes governing the board and rules adopted by theboard, as well as the following State laws, in order to better understand theobligations and limitations of a State agency:
(1) Chapter 150B, TheAdministrative Procedure Act.
(2) Chapter 132, ThePublic Records Law.
(3) Article 33C ofChapter 143, The Open Meetings Act.
(4) Articles 31 and 31Aof Chapter 143, The State Tort Claims Act and The Defense of State EmployeesLaw.
(5) Chapter 138A, TheState Government Ethics Act.
(6) Chapter 120C,Lobbying.
Completion of the trainingrequirements contained in Chapter 138A and Chapter 120C of the General Statutessatisfies the requirements of subdivisions (5) and (6) of this subsection. (1957, c. 1377, s. 5; 1973,c. 1303, s. 1; c. 1342, s. 1; 1975, c. 765, s. 1; 1981, c. 757, ss. 1, 2; 1991(Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1011, s. 1; 2009‑125, s. 4.)