§ 90A-79. Continuing education.
§ 90A‑79. Continuingeducation.
(a) Requirements. TheBoard shall require continuing education as a condition of certification andrenewal. The Board shall determine the number of hours, based on grade levelsapplied for, up to a maximum of 12 hours per year, and the subject material forthe specified grade level. The Board shall maintain records of continuingeducation coursework successfully completed by each certified contractor orinspector.
(b) Approval ofContinuing Education Programs. The Board may approve a continuing educationprogram or course if the Board finds that the program or course provides usefuleducational information or experience that will enhance the construction,installation, repair, or inspection of on‑site wastewater systems. TheBoard may develop and offer continuing education programs. (2006‑82, s. 1.)