§ 90A-77. Certification requirements.
§ 90A‑77. Certificationrequirements.
(a)       Certification. – TheBoard shall issue a certificate of the appropriate grade level to an applicantwho satisfies all of the following conditions:
(1)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Is at least 18 yearsof age.
(2)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Submits a properlycompleted application to the Board.
(3)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â If the applicant hasprior experience providing on‑site wastewater system services, submitsaffidavits of three persons not related to the applicant for whom the applicantprovided on‑site wastewater services.
(4)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â If the applicant hasno prior experience, completes the basic on‑site wastewater educationprogram approved by the Board.
(5)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Completes anyadditional training program designed by the Board specific to the grade levelfor which the applicant is applying.
(6)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Pays the applicablefees set by the Board for the particular application and grade level.
(7)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â For grade levelsgreater than conventional systems, passes a written or oral examination thattests the applicant's proficiency in all of the following areas:
a.        Principles of publicand environmental health associated with on‑site wastewater systems.
b.        Principles ofconstruction and safety.
c.        Technical andpractical knowledge of on‑site wastewater systems typical to thespecified grade level.
d.        Laws and rulesrelated to the installation, construction, repair, or inspection of thespecified on‑site wastewater system.
(b)       Location ofExaminations. – The Board shall provide a minimum of three examinations eachyear; one each in the eastern, central, and western regions of the State.
(c)       Approval ofCertification Programs. – The Board may issue a certificate at the appropriategrade level to an applicant who has completed an approved training orcontinuing education program.
(d)       No Degree Required.– An applicant shall not be required to hold or obtain an educational diplomaor degree to obtain a certificate. An applicant that meets all the conditionsfor certification except for passage of the Board examination may take theexamination on three successive occasions without having to file for a newapplication, pay an additional application fee, or repeat any applicabletraining program. If the applicant fails to pass the Board examination on threesuccessive occasions, the applicant must reapply to the Board, pay an additionalapplication fee, and repeat the training program.
(e)       Certificate. – Thecertification shall show the full name of the certificate holder. Thecertificate shall provide a unique identification number and shall be signed bythe Chair. Issuance of the certificate by the Board shall be prima facieevidence that the person named therein is entitled to all the rights andprivileges of a certified contractor or inspector, at the grade level specifiedon the certificate, while the certificate remains in effect.
(f)        ReplacementCertificate. – A new certificate to replace one lost, destroyed, or mutilatedshall be issued subject to rules adopted by the Board and with the payment of afee set by the Board. The fee for a duplicate or replacement certificate shallnot exceed twenty‑five dollars ($25.00). (2006‑82, s. 1.)