§ 90A-21. Water Treatment Facility Operators Board of Certification.
§ 90A‑21. WaterTreatment Facility Operators Board of Certification.
(a) Board Membership. There is hereby established within the Department of Environment and NaturalResources a Water Treatment Facility Operators Board of Certification(hereinafter termed the "Board of Certification") composed of eightmembers to be appointed by the Governor as follows:
(1) One member who iscurrently employed as a water treatment facility operator;
(2) One member who ismanager of a North Carolina municipality using a surface water supply;
(3) One member who ismanager of a North Carolina municipality using a treated groundwater supply;
(4) One member who isemployed as a director of utilities, water superintendent, or equivalentposition with a North Carolina municipality;
(5) One member employedby a private water utility or private industry and who is responsible for theoperation or supervision of a water supply and treatment facility;
(6) One member who is afaculty member of a four‑year college or university whose major field isrelated to water supply;
(7) One member employedby the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and working in the fieldof water supply;
(8) One member notcertified or regulated under this Article, who shall represent the interest ofthe public at large.
(b) Terms of Office. All members serving on the Board on June 30, 1981, shall complete theirrespective terms. No member appointed to the Board on or after July 1, 1981,shall serve more than two complete consecutive three‑year terms, exceptthat the member employed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resourcesmay serve more than two consecutive terms, and except that each member shallserve until his successor is appointed and qualifies. The Governor may removeany member for good cause shown and shall appoint members to fill unexpiredterms. The Governor shall appoint the public member not later than July 1,1981.
(c) Powers andResponsibilities. The Board of Certification shall establish all rules,regulations and procedures with respect to the certification program and adviseand assist the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources in itsadministration.
(d) Compensation. Members of the Board of Certification who are officers or employees of Stateagencies or institutions shall receive subsistence and travel allowances at therates authorized by G.S. 138‑5.
(e) Officers. TheBoard shall elect a chairman and all other necessary officers to serve one‑yearterms. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for thetransaction of business.
(f) Annual Report. The Board shall report annually to the Governor a full statement of itsdisciplinary and enforcement programs and activities during the year, togetherwith such recommendations as it may deem expedient. (1969, c. 1059, s. 2; 1973,c. 476, s. 128; 1981, c. 616, ss. 1‑5; 1989, c. 727, s. 219(7); 1997‑443,s. 11A.24.)