§ 90-95.2. Cooperation between law-enforcement agencies.
§ 90‑95.2. Cooperation between law‑enforcement agencies.
(a) The head of any law‑enforcement agency may temporarilyprovide assistance to another agency in enforcing the provisions of thisArticle if so requested in writing by the head of the other agency. Theassistance may comprise allowing officers of the agency to work temporarilywith officers of the other agency (including in an undercover capacity) andlending equipment and supplies. While working with another agency under theauthority of this section, an officer shall have the same jurisdiction, powers,rights, privileges, and immunities (including those relating to the defense ofcivil actions and payment of judgments) as the officers of the requestingagency in addition to those he normally possesses. While on duty with the otheragency, he shall be subject to the lawful operational commands of his superiorofficers in the other agency, but he shall for personnel and administrativepurposes remain under the control of his own agency, including for purposes ofpay. He shall furthermore be entitled to workers' compensation when actingpursuant to this section to the same extent as though he were functioningwithin the normal scope of his duties.
(b) As used in this section:
(1) "Head" means any director or chief officer of alaw‑enforcement agency, including the chief of police of a local policedepartment and the sheriff of a county, or an officer of the agency to whom thehead of the agency has delegated authority to make or grant requests under thissection, but only one officer in the agency shall have this delegated authorityat any time.
(2) "Law‑enforcement agency" means any State orlocal agency, force, department, or unit responsible for enforcing criminallaws in this State, including any local police department or sheriff'sdepartment.
(c) This section in no way reduces the jurisdiction or authorityof State law‑enforcement officers. (1975, c. 782, s. 1; 1981, c. 93, s. 1; 1991, c. 636, s. 3.)