§ 90-5.2. Board to collect and publish certain data.
§ 90‑5.2. Board tocollect and publish certain data.
(a) The Board shallrequire all physicians and physician assistants to report to the Board certaininformation, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) The names of anyschools of medicine or osteopathy attended and the year of graduation.
(2) Any graduate medicalor osteopathic education at any institution approved by the AccreditationCouncil of Graduate Medical Education, the Committee for the Accreditation ofCanadian Medical Schools, the American Osteopathic Association, or the RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
(3) Any specialty boardof certification as approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties, theBureau of Osteopathic Specialists of American Osteopathic Association, or theRoyal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
(4) Specialty area ofpractice.
(5) Hospitalaffiliations.
(6) Address andtelephone number of the primary practice setting.
(7) An e‑mailaddress or facsimile number which shall not be made available to the public andshall be used for the purpose of expediting the dissemination of informationabout a public health emergency.
(8) Any finaldisciplinary order or other action required to be reported to the Boardpursuant to G.S. 90‑14.13 that results in a suspension or revocation ofprivileges.
(9) Any finaldisciplinary order or action of any regulatory board or agency including otherstate medical boards, the United States Food and Drug Administration, theUnited States Drug Enforcement Administration, Medicare, or the North CarolinaMedicaid program.
(10) Conviction of afelony.
(11) Conviction of certainmisdemeanors, occurring within the last 10 years, in accordance with rulesadopted by the Board.
(12) Any medical license,active or inactive, granted by another state or country.
(13) Certain malpracticeinformation received pursuant to G.S. 90‑5.3, G.S. 90‑14.13, orfrom other sources in accordance with rules adopted by the Board.
(b) Except as provided,the Board shall make information collected under G.S. 90‑5.2(a) availableto the public.
(c) The Board may adoptrules to implement this section.
(d) Failure to provideinformation as required by this section and in accordance with Board rules orknowingly providing false information may be considered unprofessional conductas defined in G.S. 90‑14(a)(6). (2007‑346, s. 6; 2009‑217, s. 2.)