§ 90-524. Board of Examiners created.
§ 90‑524. Board ofExaminers created.
(a) The North Carolina Board of Athletic Trainer Examiners iscreated.
(b) Composition and Terms. The Board shall consist of sevenmembers who shall serve staggered terms. Four members shall be athletictrainers certified by the National Athletic Trainers' Association Board ofCertification, Inc. One member shall be a licensed orthopedic surgeon, onemember shall be a licensed family practice physician or pediatrician, and onemember shall represent the public at large.
The initial Board members shall be selected on or before August 1,1997, as follows:
(1) The General Assembly, upon the recommendation of thePresident Pro Tempore of the Senate, shall appoint two certified athletictrainers and an orthopedic surgeon. The certified athletic trainers shall servefor terms of three years, and the orthopedic surgeon shall serve for a term ofone year.
(2) The General Assembly, upon the recommendation of the Speakerof the House of Representatives, shall appoint two certified athletic trainersand a family practice physician or pediatrician. The certified athletictrainers and the family practice physician or pediatrician shall serve forterms of two years.
(3) The Governor shall appoint for a three‑year term apublic member to the Board.
Upon the expiration of the terms of the initial Board members, eachmember shall be appointed for a term of three years and shall serve until asuccessor is appointed. No member may serve more than two consecutive fullterms.
(c) Qualifications. The athletic trainer members shall holdcurrent licenses and shall reside or be employed in North Carolina. They shallhave at least five years' experience as athletic trainers, including the threeyears immediately preceding appointment to the Board, and shall remain inactive practice and in good standing with the Board as a licensee during theirterms. The first athletic trainers appointed to the Board pursuant to thissection shall be eligible for licensure under G.S. 90‑529 and, uponappointment, shall immediately apply for a license.
(d) Vacancies. A vacancy shall be filled in the same manner asthe original appointment, except that all unexpired terms of Board membersappointed by the General Assembly shall be filled in accordance with G.S. 120‑122and shall be filled within 45 days after the vacancy occurs. Appointees to fillvacancies shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term and until theirsuccessors have been duly appointed and qualified.
(e) Removal. The Board may remove any of its members forneglect of duty, incompetence, or unprofessional conduct. A member subject todisciplinary proceedings as a licensee shall be disqualified from participatingin the official business of the Board until the charges have been resolved.
(f) Compensation. Each member of the Board shall receive perdiem and reimbursement for travel and subsistence as provided in G.S. 93B‑5.
(g) Officers. The officers of the Board shall be a chair, whoshall be a licensed athletic trainer, a vice‑chair, and other officersdeemed necessary by the Board to carry out the purposes of this Article. Allofficers shall be elected annually by the Board for one‑year terms andshall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.
(h) Meetings. The Board shall hold at least two meetings eachyear to conduct business and to review the standards and rules for improvingathletic training services. The Board shall establish the procedures forcalling, holding, and conducting regular and special meetings. A majority ofBoard members constitutes a quorum. (1997‑387, s. 1.)