§ 90-244. Display, use, and renewal of license of registration.
§ 90‑244. Display,use, and renewal of license of registration.
(a) Every person to whom a license has been granted under thisArticle shall display the same in a conspicuous part of the office orestablishment wherein he is engaged as a dispensing optician. The Board mayadopt regulations concerning the display of registrations of places of businessand of apprentices and interns.
(b) A license issued by the Board automatically expires on thefirst day of January of each year. A license shall be reinstated withoutpenalty from January 1 through January 15 immediately following expiration.After January 15, a license shall be reinstated by payment of the renewal feeand a penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00). Licenses that remain expired two yearsor more shall not be reinstated. (1951, c. 1098, s. 11; 1981, c. 600, s. 12; 1997‑424, s. 3.)