§ 90-18.1. Limitations on physician assistants.
§ 90‑18.1. Limitationson physician assistants.
(a) Any person who islicensed under the provisions of G.S. 90‑9.3 to perform medical acts,tasks, and functions as an assistant to a physician may use the title"physician assistant". Any other person who uses the title in anyform or holds out to be a physician assistant or to be so licensed, shall bedeemed to be in violation of this Article.
(b) Physicianassistants are authorized to write prescriptions for drugs under the followingconditions:
(1) The North CarolinaMedical Board has adopted regulations governing the approval of individualphysician assistants to write prescriptions with such limitations as the Boardmay determine to be in the best interest of patient health and safety.
(2) The physician assistantholds a current license issued by the Board.
(3) The North CarolinaMedical Board has assigned an identification number to the physician assistantwhich is shown on the written prescription.
(4) The supervisingphysician has provided to the physician assistant written instructions aboutindications and contraindications for prescribing drugs and a written policyfor periodic review by the physician of the drugs prescribed.
(c) Physicianassistants are authorized to compound and dispense drugs under the followingconditions:
(1) The function isperformed under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist.
(2) Rules andregulations of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy governing this function arecomplied with.
(3) The physicianassistant holds a current license issued by the Board.
(d) Physicianassistants are authorized to order medications, tests and treatments inhospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other health facilities under thefollowing conditions:
(1) The North CarolinaMedical Board has adopted regulations governing the approval of individualphysician assistants to order medications, tests, and treatments with suchlimitations as the Board may determine to be in the best interest of patienthealth and safety.
(2) The physicianassistant holds a current license issued by the Board.
(3) The supervisingphysician has provided to the physician assistant written instructions aboutordering medications, tests, and treatments, and when appropriate, specificoral or written instructions for an individual patient, with provision forreview by the physician of the order within a reasonable time, as determined bythe Board, after the medication, test, or treatment is ordered.
(4) The hospital orother health facility has adopted a written policy, approved by the medicalstaff after consultation with the nursing administration, about orderingmedications, tests, and treatments, including procedures for verification ofthe physician assistants' orders by nurses and other facility employees andsuch other procedures as are in the interest of patient health and safety.
(e) Any prescriptionwritten by a physician assistant or order given by a physician assistant formedications, tests, or treatments shall be deemed to have been authorized bythe physician approved by the Board as the supervisor of the physicianassistant and the supervising physician shall be responsible for authorizingthe prescription or order.
(f) Any registerednurse or licensed practical nurse who receives an order from a physician assistantfor medications, tests, or treatments is authorized to perform that order inthe same manner as if it were received from a licensed physician.
(g) Any person who islicensed under G.S. 90‑9.3 to perform medical acts, tasks, and functionsas an assistant to a physician shall comply with each of the following:
(1) Maintain a currentand active license to practice in this State.
(2) Maintain an activeregistration with the Board.
(3) Have a currentIntent to Practice form filed with the Board.
(h) A physicianassistant serving active duty in the United States military is exempt from therequirements of subdivision (g)(3) of this section.
(i) A physicianassistant's license shall become inactive any time the holder fails to complywith the requirements of subsection (g) of this section. A physician assistantwith an inactive license shall not practice medical acts, tasks, or functions.The Board shall retain jurisdiction over the holder of the inactive license. (1975, c. 627; 1977, c. 904,s. 1; 1977, 2nd Sess., c. 1194, s. 1; 1995, c. 94, s. 20; 1997‑511, s. 5;2007‑346, ss. 24, 25.)