§ 90-171.65. Need-based nursing scholarships fund.
Article 9E.
Need‑Based Nursing Scholarships.
§ 90‑171.65. Need‑based nursingscholarships fund.
(a) There is created a need‑based scholarship loan fundfor nursing students. Need‑based scholarship loans shall be available forstudy in nursing programs offered by community colleges and The University ofNorth Carolina, and by private colleges that offer licensed practical nursingor registered nursing programs. Part‑time students and nontraditionalstudents who have post‑secondary degrees, and registered nurses pursuinga baccalaureate degree in nursing, are eligible to receive need‑basednursing scholarship loans.
(b) Need‑based nursing scholarship loan funds shall beadministered by the State Education Assistance Authority in accordance withrules and regulations adopted by the Board of the State Education AssistanceAuthority. Distribution of scholarship loan funds among students enrolled inthe constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina, communitycolleges, and private colleges shall be in amounts proportionate to the amountsawarded to each such group of students in the preceding fiscal year.Scholarship loans shall be made only to prospective and enrolled nursingstudents under the terms and conditions established for the need‑basednursing scholarship loan program by the State Education Assistance Authority.
(c) The State Education Assistance Authority shall carry out thefollowing functions in implementing the need‑based nursing scholarshiploan program:
(1) Promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to implementthe scholarship program, including the selection criteria and method ofselection of recipients of need‑based nursing scholarship loans;
(2) Disburse, collect, and monitor scholarship loan funds;
(3) Establish the terms and conditions of promissory notesexecuted by loan recipients;
(4) Approve service repayment agreements;
(5) Collect cash repayments required when service repayment isnot completed; and
(6) Adopt rules to allow for the forgiveness of scholarshiploans if it determines that it is impossible for the recipient to practicenursing in North Carolina for a sufficient time to repay the loan because ofthe death or permanent disability of the recipient within ten years followinggraduation or termination of enrollment in a nursing education program.
(d) Repealed by Session Laws 2005‑40, s. 1, effectiveJanuary 1, 2006, and applicable to all scholarship loans awarded after thatdate. (1989, c. 560, s. 17; 1991, c. 550, s. 1.2; 2005‑40,s. 1.)