§ 90-171.100. Graduate Nurse Scholarship Program for Faculty Production established; administration.
Article 9H.
Graduate NurseScholarship Program for Faculty Production.
§ 90‑171.100. GraduateNurse Scholarship Program for Faculty Production established; administration.
(a) There isestablished the Graduate Nurse Scholarship Program for Faculty Production. TheNorth Carolina Nursing Scholars Commission shall determine selection criteria,methods of selection, and shall select recipients of scholarship loans madeunder the Graduate Nurse Scholarship Program for Faculty Production.
(b) The Graduate Nurse ScholarshipProgram for Faculty Production shall be used to provide the following:
(1) A scholarship loanfor up to two years in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) peryear, per recipient, to students enrolled in a masters degree program in nursingeducation or any other area of the nursing field that would permit them tobecome a nursing instructor at a North Carolina community college oruniversity.
(2) A scholarship loanfor up to three years in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) peryear, per recipient, to students enrolled in a doctoral degree program innursing education or any other area of the nursing field that would permit themto become a nursing instructor at a North Carolina community college oruniversity.
(3) A scholarship loanfor up to two years in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) peryear, per recipient, to nursing faculty in the North Carolina Community CollegeSystem enrolled in a master's degree program in nursing education.
(b1) The State EducationAssistance Authority shall adopt specific rules to regulate these scholarshiploans.
(c) If a recipient isawarded a scholarship loan under this program and is enrolled, or accepted forenrollment, in an eligible program, but is unable to pursue the course of studyin nursing for a semester due to limited faculty resources at the institutionfor that semester, then the recipient shall continue to receive the scholarshiploan for that semester and shall not be required to forfeit or repay thescholarship loan for that semester, provided that the recipient remainsotherwise eligible for the program. This waiver shall be valid for only onesemester of study and may extend a recipient's eligibility for funding underthe program by no more than one semester.
(d) The Commissionshall adopt stringent standards, which may include minimum grade point average,scholastic aptitude test scores, and other standards deemed appropriate by theCommission, to ensure that only the best potential students receive loans underthe Graduate Nurse Scholarship Program for Faculty Production. Standardsadopted by the Commission shall include provisions for ensuring that thequalifications of applicants who are or would be nontraditional students areconsidered fairly in providing them with opportunities to compete for theloans. Standards adopted by the Commission shall also provide that communitycollege nursing faculty receive preference in awarding scholarship loans underthis section. Loans under the Graduate Nurse Scholarship Program for FacultyProduction shall be awarded only to applicants who meet the standards set bythe Commission and who agree to teach in a North Carolina public or privatenursing program upon completion of the nursing education program supported bythe loan. If a recipient under this section is a nursing faculty member at acommunity college, then as a condition of a scholarship loan received underG.S. 90‑171.100(b)(3), the recipient shall agree to continue to work forthe community college system in North Carolina as provided in G.S. 90‑171.101(b).
(e) The Commissionshall develop and administer the Graduate Nurse Scholarship Program for FacultyProduction in cooperation with nursing schools at institutions approved by theCommission and the North Carolina Board of Nursing. The Graduate NurseScholarship Program for Faculty Production shall provide for participants to beexposed to a range of extracurricular activities while in school, whichactivities shall be aimed at instilling in students a strong motivation toremain in the practice of nursing education and to provide leadership for thenursing profession.
(f) The Commissionshall make an effort to identify and encourage minority students and studentswho may not otherwise consider a career in nursing to apply for the GraduateNurse Scholarship Program for Faculty Production.
(g) Upon the naming ofrecipients of loans from the Graduate Nurse Scholarship Program for FacultyProduction, the Commission shall inform the State Education Assistance Authority(SEAA) of its decisions. The SEAA shall perform all of the administrativefunctions necessary to implement this Article, which functions shall include:rulemaking, dissemination of information to the public, distribution andreceipt of applications for scholarship loans, and the functions necessary forthe execution, payment, and enforcement of promissory notes required under thisArticle. (2006‑66,s. 9.6; 2007‑323, s. 9.6(a).)