§ 90-12.3. Medical school faculty license.
§ 90‑12.3. Medicalschool faculty license.
(a) The Board may issuea medical school faculty license to practice medicine and surgery to aphysician who:
(1) Holds a full‑timeappointment as either a lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, orfull professor at one of the following medical schools:
a. Duke UniversitySchool of Medicine;
b. The University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine;
c. Wake ForestUniversity School of Medicine; or
d. East CarolinaUniversity School of Medicine; and
(2) Is not subject todisciplinary order or other action by any medical licensing agency in any stateor other jurisdiction.
(b) The holder of themedical school faculty license issued under this section shall not practicemedicine or surgery outside the confines of the medical school or an affiliateof the medical school. The holder of the medical school faculty licensepracticing medicine or surgery beyond the limitations of the license shall beguilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not lessthan twenty‑five dollars ($25.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00)for each offense. The Board, at its discretion, may revoke the special licenseafter due notice is given to the holder of the medical school faculty license.
(c) The Board may adoptrules and set fees related to issuing medical school faculty licenses. TheBoard may, by rule, set a time limit for the term of a medical school facultylicense. (2007‑418,s. 7.)