§ 90-113.45. Enjoining illegal practices.
§ 90‑113.45. Enjoining illegal practices.
(a) The Board may, if it finds that any person is violating anyof the provisions of this Article or of the rules adopted pursuant to it, applyin its own name to the superior court for a temporary or permanent restrainingorder or injunction to restrain that person from continuing these illegalpractices. The court may grant injunctive relief regardless of whether criminalprosecution or other action has been or may be instituted as a result of theviolation. In the court's consideration of the issue of whether to grant orcontinue an injunction sought by the Board, a showing of conduct in violationof the terms of this Article shall be sufficient to meet any requirement ofgeneral North Carolina injunction law for irreparable damage.
(b) The venue for actions brought under this section is thesuperior court of any county in which the illegal acts are alleged to have beencommitted or in the county where the defendant resides. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 685, s. 1.)