§ 9-5. Procedure for drawing panel of jurors; numbers drawn.
§9‑5. Procedure for drawing panel of jurors; numbers drawn.
The board of countycommissioners in each county shall provide the clerk of superior court with ajury box, the construction and dimensions of which shall be prescribed by theadministrative officer of the courts. At least 30 days prior to January 1 ofany year for which a list of prospective jurors has been prepared, a number ofdiscs, squares, counters or markers equal to the number of names on the jurylist shall be placed in the jury box. The discs, squares, counters, or markersshall be uniform in size, weight, and appearance, and may be made of anysuitable material. They shall be numbered consecutively to correspond with thenumbers on the jury list. The jury box shall be of sufficient size to hold thediscs, squares, counters or markers so that they may be easily shaken andmixed, and the box shall have a hinged lid through which the discs, squares,counters or markers can be drawn. The lid shall have a lock, the key to whichshall be kept by the clerk of superior court.
At least 30 days prior to anysession or sessions of superior or district court requiring a jury, the clerkof superior court or his assistant or deputy shall, in public, after thoroughlyshaking the box, draw therefrom the number of discs, squares, counters, ormarkers equal to the number of jurors required for the session or sessionsscheduled. For each week of a superior court session, the senior residentsuperior court judge for the district or set of districts as defined in G.S. 7A‑41.1(a)in which the county is located shall specify the number of jurors to be drawn.For each week of a district court jury session, the chief district judge of thedistrict court district in which the county is located shall specify the numberof jurors to be drawn. Pooling of jurors between or among concurrent sessionsof various courts is authorized in the discretion of the senior regularresident superior court judge. When pooling is utilized, the senior regularresident superior court judge, after consultation with the chief district judgewhen a district court jury is required, shall specify the total number ofjurors to be drawn for such concurrent sessions. When grand jurors are needed,nine additional numbers shall be drawn.
As the discs, squares,counters, or markers are drawn, they shall be separately stored by the clerkuntil a new jury list is prepared.
The clerk of superior courtshall deliver the list of numbers drawn from the jury box to the register ofdeeds, who shall match the numbers received with the numbers on the jury list.The register of deeds shall within three days thereafter notify the sheriff tosummon for jury duty the persons on the jury list whose numbers are thusmatched. The persons so summoned may serve as jurors in either the superior orthe district court, or both, for the week for which summoned. Jurors who serveeach week shall be discharged at the close of the weekly session or sessions,unless actually engaged in the trial of a case, and then they shall not bedischarged until their service in that case is completed. (1806,c. 694, P.R.; 1868‑9, c. 9, ss. 5, 6; c. 175; Code, ss. 1726, 1727, 1731;1889, c. 559; 1897, c. 117; 1901, c. 28, s. 3; c. 636; 1903, c. 11; 1905, c.38; c. 76, s. 4; c. 285; Rev., ss. 1958, 1959; C.S., ss. 2313, 2314; 1967, c.218, s. 1; 1969, c. 205, s. 3; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1037, s. 38.)