§ 89F-4. North Carolina Board for Licensing of Soil Scientists.

§89F‑4.  North Carolina Board for Licensing of Soil Scientists.

(a)        Creation;Membership. – The North Carolina Board for Licensing of Soil Scientists iscreated. The Board shall consist of seven members appointed as follows:

(1)        One member appointedby the Governor, who shall be a soil scientist employed by a federal or Stateagency.

(2)        One member appointedby the Governor, who shall be a soil scientist employed by a local governmentagency.

(3)        One member appointedby the Governor, who shall be a soil scientist employed by an institution ofhigher education.

(4)        One member appointedby the General Assembly upon recommendation of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, who shall be a soil scientist who is privately employed.

(5)        One member appointedby the General Assembly upon recommendation of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, who shall be a member of the public who is not a soilscientist.

(6)        One member appointedby the General Assembly upon recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of theSenate, who shall be a soil scientist who is privately employed.

(7)        One member appointedby the General Assembly upon recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of theSenate, who shall be a member of the public who is not a soil scientist.

(b)        Ex Officio Member.– In addition to the members of the Board appointed pursuant to subsection (a)of this section, the President of the Soil Science Society of North Carolina,or a member of the Society appointed by its President, shall serve as anonvoting ex officio member of the Board.

(c)        Terms. – Membersshall serve staggered terms of office of three years. No member shall servemore than six consecutive years without an interruption in service of at leastone year. The terms of office of members filling positions four and six shallexpire on 30 June of years evenly divisible by three. The terms of office ofmembers filling positions five and seven shall expire on 30 June of years thatfollow by one year those years that are evenly divisible by three. The terms ofoffice of members filling positions one, two, and three shall expire on 30 Juneof years that precede by one year those years that are evenly divisible bythree. Terms shall expire as provided by this subsection except that members ofthe Board shall serve until their successors are appointed and duly qualifiedas provided by G.S 128‑7.

(d)        Vacancies; Removal.– Vacancies in appointments shall be filled for the unexpired term. Vacanciesin appointments made by the General Assembly shall be filled in accordance withG.S. 120‑122. The Governor shall have the power to remove, in accordancewith G.S 143B‑13, any member appointed by the Governor. The GeneralAssembly shall have the power to remove, in accordance with G.S 143B‑13,any member appointed by the General Assembly.

(e)        Quorum. – Amajority of the members of the Board appointed pursuant to subsection (a) ofthis section shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

(f)         Compensation;Expenses. – Subject to the availability of funds, members of the Board mayreceive compensation for their services and be reimbursed for expenses incurredin the performance of duties required by this Chapter at the rates prescribedin G.S. 138‑5. (1995, c. 414, s. 1.)