§ 88A-19.1. Requirements for certification as a Board-approved school of laser, light source, or pulsed-light treatments.
§ 88A‑19.1. Requirements for certification as a Board‑approved school of laser, lightsource, or pulsed‑light treatments.
(a) Any school in thisState or another state that desires to be certified as a Board‑approvedschool of laser, light source, or pulsed‑light treatments shall:
(1) Submit anapplication on a form approved by the Board;
(2) Submit a detailedprojected floor plan of the institutional area demonstrating adequate schoolfacilities to accommodate students for purposes of lectures, classroom instruction,and practical demonstration;
(3) Submit a detailedlist of the equipment to be used by the students in the practical course oftheir studies;
(4) Submit a copy of theplanned laser, light source, or pulsed‑light curriculum consisting of thenumber of hours and subject matter determined by the Board, provided that thenumber of hours required shall not be less than 30 hours pursuant to rulesadopted by the Board;
(5) Submit a certifiedcopy of the school manual of instruction;
(6) Submit the names andqualifications of the instructors certified; and
(7) Submit anyadditional information the Board may require.
(b) When the Boarddetermines that an applicant has met all the qualifications for certificationas a Board‑approved school of laser, light source, or pulsed‑lighttreatments and has submitted the required fee, the Board shall issue acertificate to the applicant.
(c) A school'scertification is only valid for the location named in the application. When aschool desires to change locations, an application shall be submitted to theBoard on a form furnished by the Board, and the fee shall be paid forcertificate renewal.
(d) A school'scertification is not transferable. Schools shall immediately notify the Boardin writing of any sale, transfer, or change in ownership or management.
(e) Every school shalldisplay its certification in a manner prescribed by the Board.
(f) All laser, lightsource, or pulsed‑light devices used in the school shall be approved bythe federal Food and Drug Administration. (2007‑489, s. 11.)