§ 87-102. Notice required prior to excavation.
§87‑102. Notice required prior to excavation.
(a) Except as providedin G.S. 87‑106, before commencing any excavations in highways, publicspaces or in private easements of a utility owner, a person planning toexcavate shall notify each utility owner having underground utilities locatedin the proposed area to be excavated, either orally or in writing, not lessthan two nor more than 10 working days prior to starting, of his intent toexcavate.
(b) The written or oralnotice required in subsection (a) shall contain:
(1) The name, address,and telephone number of the person filing the notice;
(2) The name, address,and telephone number of the person doing the excavating;
(3) The anticipatedstarting date of the excavation;
(4) The anticipatedduration of the excavation;
(5) The type ofexcavation to be conducted;
(6) The location of theproposed excavation; and
(7) Whether or notexplosives will be used.
(c) If the noticerequired by this section is made by telephone, an adequate record shall bemade of the notification by the utility owners or the utility association andthe person making the notification, to document compliance with this section. (1985,c. 785, s. 1.)