§ 86A-23. Instructors.
§86A‑23. Instructors.
(a) The Board shallissue an instructor's certificate to any currently registered barber who haspassed an instructor's examination given by the Board. This examination shallcover the subjects listed in G.S. 86A‑22(4) and in the Textbook of BarberStyling approved by the Board.
(b) A person desiringto take an instructor's examination must make application to the Board forexamination on forms to be furnished by the Board and pay the instructor'sexamination fee. Each person who passes the instructor's examination shall beissued a certificate of registration as a registered instructor by paying theissuance fee. Every instructor's certificate shall expire on May 31 of eachyear. Any instructor's certificate issued under this Chapter is automaticallysuspended by operation of law after failure to renew the instructor'scertificate by the expiration date and may be renewed only upon payment of alllapsed renewal fees and the required late fee. Any person whose instructor'scertificate has expired for a period of three years or more shall be requiredto take and pass the instructor's examination before the certificate can berenewed. (1945, c. 830, s. 8; 1961, c. 577, s. 5; 1973, c.1331, s. 3; 1979, c. 695, s. 1; 1981, c. 457, s. 13; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996),c. 605, s. 12.)