§ 84A-3. Issuance of a certificate of registration; waiver.
§84A‑3. Issuance of a certificate of registration; waiver.
(a) The North CarolinaState Bar shall review the statements and the supporting documents contained inan application submitted pursuant to G.S. 84A‑2 and shall report theresults of their review, with recommendations, to the North Carolina SupremeCourt.
(b) The North CarolinaSupreme Court may issue to an applicant a certificate of registration as aforeign legal consultant.
(c) The North CarolinaSupreme Court shall not grant a certificate of registration as a foreign legalconsultant unless it is satisfied that the applicant possesses good moralcharacter.
(d) Upon a showing thatstrict compliance with all of the provisions of G.S. 84A‑2 would causethe applicant unnecessary hardship or upon a showing of professionalqualifications to practice as a foreign legal consultant satisfactory to theNorth Carolina Supreme Court, the North Carolina Supreme Court may issue acertificate of registration under this Chapter to an applicant who did not satisfythe provisions of G.S. 84A‑2. (1995, c. 427, s. 1.)