§ 84-31. Counsel; investigators; powers; compensation.
§84‑31. Counsel; investigators; powers; compensation.
The Council may appoint amember of the North Carolina State Bar to represent the North Carolina StateBar in any proceedings in which it has an interest including reinstatement andthe prosecution of charges of misconduct or disability in the hearings that areheld, including appeals, and may authorize counsel to employ assistant counsel,investigators, and administrative assistants in such numbers as it deemsnecessary. Counsel and investigators engaged in discipline, reinstatement, anddisability matters shall have the authority throughout the State to servesubpoenas or other process issued by the Council or any committee thereof orthe disciplinary hearing commission or any committee thereof, in the samemanner and with the same effect as an officer authorized to serve process ofthe General Court of Justice. The Council may allow counsel, assistant counsel,investigators and administrative assistants such compensation as it deemsproper. (1933, c. 210, s. 14; 1969, c. 44, s. 62; 1975, c.582, s. 9; 1995, c. 431, s. 22.)