§ 7B-2810. (For contingent repeal - see note) Supplementary agreements.
§ 7B‑2810. (Forcontingent repeal see note) Supplementary agreements.
The duly constitutedadministrative authorities of a state party to this Compact may enter intosupplementary agreements with any other state or states party hereto for thecooperative care, treatment, and rehabilitation of delinquent juvenileswhenever they find that the agreements will improve the facilities or programsavailable for care, treatment, and rehabilitation. Care, treatment, andrehabilitation may be provided in an institution located within any stateentering into a supplementary agreement. Supplementary agreements shall:
(1) Provide the rates tobe paid for the care, treatment, and custody of delinquent juveniles takinginto consideration the character of facilities, services, and subsistencefurnished;
(2) Provide that thedelinquent juvenile shall be given a court hearing prior to the juvenile beingsent to another state for care, treatment, and custody;
(3) Provide that thestate receiving a delinquent juvenile in one of its institutions shall actsolely as agent for the state sending the delinquent juvenile;
(4) Provide that thesending state shall at all times retain jurisdiction over delinquent juvenilessent to an institution in another state;
(5) Provide for reasonableinspection of the institutions by the sending state;
(6) Provide that theconsent of the parent, guardian, person, or agency entitled to the legalcustody of the delinquent juvenile shall be secured prior to the juvenile beingsent to another state; and
(7) Make provisions forany other matters and details as shall be necessary to protect the rights andequities of delinquent juveniles and of the cooperating states. (1963, c. 910, s. 1; 1965, c.925, s. 1; 1979, c. 815, s. 1; 1998‑202, s. 6.)