§ 7B-1101. Jurisdiction.
§ 7B‑1101. Jurisdiction.
The court shall have exclusiveoriginal jurisdiction to hear and determine any petition or motion relating totermination of parental rights to any juvenile who resides in, is found in, oris in the legal or actual custody of a county department of social services orlicensed child‑placing agency in the district at the time of filing ofthe petition or motion. The court shall have jurisdiction to terminate theparental rights of any parent irrespective of the age of the parent. Provided,that before exercising jurisdiction under this Article, the court shall findthat it has jurisdiction to make a child‑custody determination under theprovisions of G.S. 50A‑201, 50A‑203, or 50A‑204. The courtshall have jurisdiction to terminate the parental rights of any parentirrespective of the state of residence of the parent. Provided, that beforeexercising jurisdiction under this Article regarding the parental rights of anonresident parent, the court shall find that it has jurisdiction to make achild‑custody determination under the provisions of G.S. 50A‑201 orG.S. 50A‑203, without regard to G.S. 50A‑204 and that process wasserved on the nonresident parent pursuant to G.S. 7B‑1106. Provided,further, that the clerk of superior court shall have jurisdiction for adoptionsunder Chapter 48 of the General Statutes. (1977, c. 879, s. 8; 1979, c. 110, s. 7; 1979, 2ndSess., c. 1206, s. 1; 1981, c. 996, s. 1; 1983, c. 89, s. 1; 1995, c. 457, s.3; 1998‑202, s. 6; 1999‑223, s. 6; 1999‑456, s. 60; 2000‑144,s. 18; 2000‑183, s. 2; 2003‑140, s. 4; 2005‑398, s. 14; 2007‑152,s. 1.)