§ 7A-792. Goals.
§ 7A‑792. Goals.
The goals of the drug treatment court programs funded under thisArticle include the following:
(1) To reduce alcoholism and other drug dependencies among adultand juvenile offenders and defendants and among respondents in juvenile petitionsfor abuse, neglect, or both;
(2) To reduce criminal and delinquent recidivism and theincidence of child abuse and neglect;
(3) To reduce the aclohol‑related and other drug‑relatedcourt workload;
(4) To increase the personal, familial, and societal accountabilityof adult and juvenile offenders and defendants and respondents in juvenilepetitions for abuse, neglect, or both; and
(5) To promote effective interaction and use of resources amongcriminal and juvenile justice personnel, child protective services personnel,and community agencies. (1995, c. 507, s. 21.6(a);1998‑23, s. 9; 1998‑212, s. 16.15(a); 2001‑424, s. 22.8(b).)