§ 7A-53. Application to the Governor; commission as emergency judge.
§ 7A‑53. Application to the Governor; commission as emergency judge.
No retired judge of the district or superior court may become anemergency judge except upon his written application to the Governor certifyinghis desire and ability to serve as an emergency judge. If the Governor issatisfied that the applicant qualifies under G.S. 7A‑52(a) to become anemergency judge and that he is physically and mentally able to perform theofficial duties of an emergency judge, he shall issue to such applicant a commissionas an emergency judge of the court from which he retired. The commission shallbe effective upon the date of its issue and shall terminate when the judge towhom it is issued reaches the maximum age for judicial service under G.S. 7A‑4.20(a).(1967, c. 108, s. 2; 1977,c. 736, s. 4; 1979, c. 878, s. 3.)