§ 7A-474.18. Eligible activities and limitations.
§ 7A‑474.18. Eligibleactivities and limitations.
(a) EligibleActivities. Funds appropriated under this Article shall be used only for thefollowing purposes:
(1) To provide legalassistance to domestic violence victims.
(2) To provide educationto domestic violence victims regarding their rights and duties under the law.
(3) To involve theprivate bar in the representation of domestic violence victims pursuant to thisArticle.
(b) Eligible Cases. The funds shall be prioritized by each legal services program to serve thegreatest number of eligible clients, with emphasis placed on representation ofclients needing legal assistance with proceedings pursuant to Chapter 50B ofthe General Statutes. Legal assistance shall be provided to eligible clients underthis Article only in the following types of cases:
(1) Actions forprotective orders issued pursuant to Chapter 50B of the General Statutes;
(2) Child custody andvisitation issues; and
(3) Legal services whichensure the safety of the client and the client's children.
(c) Limitations. Nofunds appropriated under this Article shall be used for any of the followingpurposes:
(1) To provide legalassistance with respect to any criminal proceeding; or
(2) To provide legalassistance to any prisoner within the North Carolina Department of Correctionwith regard to the terms of that person's incarceration. (2004‑186, s. 4.1.)