§ 7A-451. Scope of entitlement.
§ 7A‑451. Scope ofentitlement.
(a) An indigent personis entitled to services of counsel in the following actions and proceedings:
(1) Any case in whichimprisonment, or a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00), or more, is likelyto be adjudged;
(2) A hearing on apetition for a writ of habeas corpus under Chapter 17 of the General Statutes;
(3) A motion forappropriate relief under Chapter 15A of the General Statutes if the defendanthas been convicted of a felony, has been fined five hundred dollars ($500.00)or more, or has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment;
(4) A hearing forrevocation of probation;
(5) A hearing in whichextradition to another state is sought;
(6) A proceeding for aninpatient involuntary commitment to a facility under Part 7 of Article 5 ofChapter 122C of the General Statutes, or a proceeding for commitment under Part8 of Article 5 of Chapter 122C of the General Statutes.
(7) In any case ofexecution against the person under Chapter 1, Article 28 of the GeneralStatutes, and in any civil arrest and bail proceeding under Chapter 1, Article34, of the General Statutes;
(8) In the case of ajuvenile, a hearing as a result of which commitment to an institution ortransfer to the superior court for trial on a felony charge is possible;
(9) A hearing forrevocation of parole at which the right to counsel is provided in accordancewith the provisions of Chapter 148, Article 4, of the General Statutes;
(10) Repealed by SessionLaws 2003, c. 13, s. 2(a), effective April 17, 2003, and applicable to allpetitions for sterilization pending and orders authorizing sterilization thathave not been executed as of April 17, 2003.
(11) A proceeding for theprovision of protective services according to Chapter 108A, Article 6 of theGeneral Statutes;
(12) In the case of ajuvenile alleged to be abused, neglected, or dependent under Subchapter I ofChapter 7B of the General Statutes;
(13) A proceeding to finda person incompetent under Subchapter I of Chapter 35A, of the GeneralStatutes;
(14) A proceeding toterminate parental rights where a guardian ad litem is appointed pursuant toG.S. 7B‑1101;
(15) An action broughtpursuant to Article 11 of Chapter 7B of the General Statutes to terminate anindigent person's parental rights.
(16) A proceedinginvolving consent for an abortion on an unemancipated minor pursuant to Article1A, Part 2 of Chapter 90 of the General Statutes. G.S. 7A‑450.1, 7A‑450.2,and 7A‑450.3 shall not apply to this proceeding.
(17) A proceedinginvolving limitation on freedom of movement or access pursuant to G.S. 130A‑475or G.S. 130A‑145.
(18) A proceedinginvolving placement into satellite monitoring under Part 5 of Article 27A ofChapter 14 of the General Statutes.
(b) In each of theactions and proceedings enumerated in subsection (a) of this section,entitlement to the services of counsel begins as soon as feasible after theindigent is taken into custody or service is made upon him of the charge,petition, notice or other initiating process. Entitlement continues through anycritical stage of the action or proceeding, including, if applicable:
(1) An in‑custodyinterrogation;
(2) A pretrialidentification procedure which occurs after formal charges have been preferredand at which the presence of the indigent is required;
(3) A hearing for thereduction of bail, or to fix bail if bail has been earlier denied;
(4) A probable causehearing;
(5) Trial andsentencing;
(6) Review of anyjudgment or decree pursuant to G.S. 7A‑27, 7A‑30(1), 7A‑30(2),and Subchapter XIV of Chapter 15A of the General Statutes;
(7) In a capital case inwhich a defendant is under a sentence of death, subject to rules adopted by theOffice of Indigent Defense Services, review of any judgment or decree renderedon direct appeal by the Supreme Court of North Carolina pursuant to thecertiorari jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court; and
(8) In a noncapitalcase, subject to rules adopted by the Office of Indigent Defense Services,review of any judgment or decree rendered on direct appeal by a court of theNorth Carolina Appellate Division pursuant to the certiorari jurisdiction ofthe United States Supreme Court, when the judgment or decree:
a. Decides an importantquestion of federal law in a way that conflicts with relevant decisions of theUnited States Supreme Court, a federal Court of Appeals, or the court of lastresort of another state;
b. Decides an importantquestion of federal law that has not been, but should be, settled by the UnitedStates Supreme Court; or
c. Decides a questionof federal law in the indigent's favor and the judgment or decree is challengedby opposing counsel through an attempt to invoke the certiorari jurisdiction ofthe United States Supreme Court.
(c) In any capitalcase, an indigent defendant who is under a sentence of death and desirescounsel may apply to the Office of Indigent Defense Services for theappointment of counsel to represent the defendant in preparing, filing, andlitigating a motion for appropriate relief. The application for the appointmentof such postconviction counsel may be made prior to completion of review ondirect appeal and shall be made no later than 10 days from the latest of thefollowing:
(1) The mandate has beenissued by the Supreme Court of North Carolina on direct appeal pursuant to N.C.R.App. P. 32(b) and the time for filing a petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Supreme Court has expired without a petition being filed;
(2) The United StatesSupreme Court denied a timely petition for writ of certiorari of the decision ondirect appeal by the Supreme Court of North Carolina; or
(3) The United StatesSupreme Court granted the defendant's or the State's timely petition for writof certiorari of the decision on direct appeal by the Supreme Court of NorthCarolina, but subsequently left the defendant's death sentence undisturbed.
(c1) Upon application,supported by the defendant's affidavit, the Office of Indigent Defense Servicesshall determine whether the defendant was previously adjudicated indigent forpurposes of trial or direct appeal. If the defendant was previously adjudicatedindigent, the defendant shall be presumed indigent for purposes of thissubsection, and the Office of Indigent Defense Services shall appoint twocounsel to represent the defendant. If the defendant was not previouslyadjudicated indigent, the Office of Indigent Defense Services shall requestthat the superior court in the district where the defendant was indicteddetermine whether the defendant is indigent. If the court finds that thedefendant is indigent, the Office of Indigent Defense Services shall thenappoint two counsel to represent the defendant.
(c2) The defendant doesnot have a right to be present at the time of appointment of counsel, and theappointment need not be made in open court.
(d) The appointment ofcounsel as provided in subsection (c) of this section and the procedure forcompensation shall comply with rules adopted by the Office of Indigent DefenseServices.
(e) No counselappointed pursuant to subsection (c) of this section shall have previouslyrepresented the defendant at trial or on direct appeal in the case for whichthe appointment is made unless the defendant expressly requests continuedrepresentation and understandingly waives future allegations of ineffective assistanceof counsel.
(e1) When the SupremeCourt of North Carolina files an opinion affirming or reversing the judgment ofthe trial court in a case in which the defendant was sentenced to death, orfiles an opinion or decision with regard to such a defendant's postconvictionpetition for relief from a sentence of death, or when any federal court filesor issues an opinion or decision in such circumstances, the Department ofCorrection shall, on the day the opinion or decision is filed or issued, permitcounsel for the defendant to visit the defendant at the institution at whichthe defendant is confined. The visit shall be permitted during regular businesshours for not less than one hour, unless a visit outside regular business hoursis agreed to by both the institution's administrator and counsel for thedefendant. This section shall not be construed to abridge the adequate andreasonable opportunity for attorneys to consult with clients sentenced to deathgenerally and shall not be construed to mandate an attorney visit during anemergency at the institution at which a defendant is confined.
(f) A guardian adlitem shall be appointed to represent the best interest of an underage partyseeking judicial authorization to marry pursuant to G.S. 51‑2A. Theappointment and duties of the guardian ad litem shall be governed by G.S. 51‑2A.The procedure for compensation of the guardian ad litem shall comply with rulesadopted by the Office of Indigent Defense Services. (1969, c. 1013, s. 1; 1973,c. 151, ss. 1, 3; c. 616; c. 726, s. 4; c. 1116, s. 1; c. 1125; c. 1320; c.1378, s. 2; 1977, c. 711, ss. 7, 8; c. 725, s. 2; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1206, s.3; 1981, c. 966, s. 4; 1983, c. 638, s. 23; c. 864, s. 4; 1985, c. 509, s. 1;c. 589, s. 3; 1987, c. 550, s. 16; 1995, c. 462, s. 3; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996),c. 719, s. 7; 1998‑202, s. 13(a); 2000‑144, s. 6; 2001‑62, s.14; 2002‑179, s. 16; 2003‑13, s. 2(a); 2005‑250, s. 2; 2007‑323,s. 14.19(a); 2009‑91, s. 1; 2009‑387, ss. 3, 5.)