§ 7A-412. Annual meetings; organization; election of officers.
§ 7A‑412. Annualmeetings; organization; election of officers.
(a)       Annual Meetings. – The Conference shall meet annually at atime and place selected by the President of the Conference.
(b)       Election of Officers. – Officers of the Conference are aPresident, a President‑elect, a Vice‑president, and other officersfrom among its membership that the Conference may designate in its bylaws.Officers are elected for one‑year terms at the annual Conference, andtake office on July 1 immediately following their election.
(c)       Executive Committee. – The Executive Committee of theConference consists of the President, the President‑elect, the Vice‑president,and four other members of the Conference. One of these four members shall bethe immediate past president if there is one and if he continues to be amember.
(d)       Organization and Functioning; Bylaws. – The bylaws mayprovide for the organization and functioning of the Conference, including thepowers and duties of its officers and committees. The bylaws shall state thenumber of members required to constitute a quorum at any meeting of theConference or the Executive Committee. The bylaws shall set out the procedurefor amending the bylaws.
(e)       Calling Meetings; Duty to Attend. – The President or theExecutive Committee may call a meeting of the Conference upon 10 days' noticeto the members, except upon written waiver of notice signed by at least three‑fourthsof the members. A member should attend each meeting of the Conference and theExecutive Committee of which he is given notice. Members are entitled toreimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses at the rate applicable toState employees. (1983, c. 761, s.152.)