§ 7A-293. Special authority of a magistrate assigned to a municipality located in more than one county of a district court district.
§ 7A‑293. Specialauthority of a magistrate assigned to a municipality located in more than onecounty of a district court district.
A magistrate assigned to anincorporated municipality, the boundaries of which lie in more than one countyof a district court district, may, in criminal matters, exercise the powersgranted by G.S. 7A‑273 as if the corporate limits plus the territoryembraced within a distance of one mile in all directions therefrom were locatedwholly within the magistrate's county of residence. Appeals from a magistrateexercising the authority granted by this section shall be taken in the districtcourt in the county in which the offense was committed. A magistrate exercisingthe special authority granted by this section shall transmit all records,reports, and monies collected to the clerk of the superior court of the countyin which the offense was committed. In addition, if a magistrate is assigned toan incorporated municipality, the boundaries of which lie in two or moredistrict court districts, the magistrate may exercise the powers described inthis section as if the counties were in the same district court district, ifthe clerks of superior court and the chief district court judges serving thedistricts in which the municipality is located agree in writing that theexercise of this special authority would promote the administration of justicein the municipality and in the districts. However, if a magistrate is assignedto an incorporated municipality, the boundaries of which lie in four or morecounties, each of which is in a separate district court district, themagistrate may exercise the powers described in this section as if all thecounties were in the same district court district, without the necessity ofsuch an agreement between the clerks and judges of the affected counties, andthe records, reports, and monies collected in connection with the exercise ofthat authority shall be transmitted to the clerk of the superior court districtfor the county in which the offense was committed. (1967, c. 691, s. 26; 1989,c. 795, s. 23(c1); 2009‑398, s. 2.)